


11-05-2013, 12:47 PM

The battle raged on, her blood pounding in her ears, adrenaline coursing through her veins. The woman's grip tightened, bring a snarl from pale jaws. Unfortunately her own attack left nothing more than a scratch on the woman's ear. Anger bubbled in her chest. Jaws released her momentarily, immediatly she would thrash her head, with her chin tucked over he throat it would difficult for the woman to grab her throat, fangs immediately sank into the upper side of her neck once more, fangs drawing blood. It didn't take long for Obisdian to attack. Her adversary had clearly not expected the beast as her hips slide closer, pressing against her side. Much to her surprise she felt herself trying to be dragged, pressure build on her neck at the woman attempted to drag her into the path of the ebony beast. She and complete faith in the horse, no harm would come to her. A massive skull reach, flat teeth grabbing a hold of the oddly marked woman, lifting her up. This caused Rayne to be lifted as well, she felt her skin tearing under her own weight.

Her defenses held tight despite the odd position she found herself in. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, tail flagged out like a banner, limbs spread out equally and bent for balance. Unhinged jaws would turn to her lifted opponent, aiming for her left forelimb (Raynes pov), she wanted to show this woman that no one messed with healers. Jaws aimed to grip tightly at the joint, looking to inflict as much pain as possible until the woman released her hold on her scruff. Toes flexed, claws digging into the earth for traction. As obsidian lifted the woman higher, she brought Rayne up on her hindlegs, causing them to spread for a wider stance for balance. She didn't know what the horse had planned so for now her goal was to hang onto wherever her jaws landed. Her right forelimb would rise, looking to claw at her adverts face, particularly her eyes. She wanted to woman to fear being blinded and release her, that was her final goal.

All the while a dark shadow crept forward, coming up behind Obsidian. The woman was far to preoccupied with her own battle to notice as the beast moved silentl. Blood stained her pelt, the adrenaline drowning out the pain. All she wanted was to return to her duties, help those that had been wounded during the battle. She didn't want to fight. It wasn't in her nature. She was meant to help the injured.

Rayne and Obsidian vs Satis and Kusugra for Dominance Round 2 of 2 (change because of judges note)

ATTACKS: jaws aimed to grab her adversary's feet forelimb, the one fartherest from Rayne, since her right leg is closest and pressed against Rayne. Her own right forelimb would lift aiming to claw at Satis's face, particularly her eyes

DEFENESES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread out equally and bent for balance, tail flagged out of additional balance, claws digging into the ground for traction

INJURIES: bite wounds to the neck, bruised shoulder

OOC- I'm going to assume that since it wasn't mention, obsidian was successful in grabbing Satis by the scruff. wasn't sure how to play out kus's attack on obsidian without her own post, didn't want to pp.