Of all the time that he had spent in the northern territories, he had never really been north- other than the one sweep through with Sephiran when they were much younger. But now as they stood on the threshold of founding whatever version of a kingdom the Saxe prodigy had in mind, they could use some more thorough intelligence on what lay between the Armada and the coastline. The Polar Sound was comfortable for the most part, but was it where they wanted to set up a permanent operation? It wasn’t something that they could be certain of just yet. Thus it was agreed upon that he would take a few days to skirt the neighboring pack for a scouting mission. Gather what pertinent information he could- if there was any- and report back his findings. However, he wasn’t expressly ordered to go alone. While Seph seemed to have other matters to attend to that kept him in place, Aresenn had made the executive decision to inform Absinth that she had been volunteered to tag along. She didn’t need to know it was for the benefit of his own selfish interest.
Aresenn made his way toward the heart of their temporary, unclaimed territory in order to call for his ward. Wherever spot she had picked to shelter in, he had specifically never sought it out. She was stuck in a limited range, he didn’t want to invade whatever privacy she had managed to secure for herself. But of course, if she ever gave him a reason to have to hunt her down~ he wouldn’t hesitate to do so.