
you're in my veins.


11-05-2013, 02:34 PM

She watched the pup fall over, she didn't laugh. Bajit had been clumsy, he was mocked and mimicked by Hibi and Haria. He had been her best friend, she hated her other brother and sister, they were mean, they used to discriminate people, always judging and spiteful. She hoped they were dead, she bit back a growl from deep in her lungs. She looked to the pup, it suddenly swung round looking for her, she had been spotted or he had smelled her. Oh well her cover was blown. "someone watching me?" she knew that she had been spotted for sure now and decided just to step out, all she had to do was step out and tell him to get ot of here before he seriously injured himself and then say goodbye.
She stepped out and made her way cautiously towards him. She did not want to fall in this, she would be rather embarrassed. "Yes there is, you had better watch your step, you don't want to get stuck out here do you?" She looked at him, she did not want to seem too harsh, so she smiled a little. It did not reach her eyes as fully as she'd hoped, but she hoped that the gesture at least made him forgive her a little, she did not want to sink to Hibi and Haria's level. I will not be like them she thought to herself.
