
feelings? eaten. belly? round



10-28-2023, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2023, 04:37 PM by NPC. Edited 1 time in total.)

You decide that building a bridge across is your best bet. Gathering materials from the other room, you get to building, only stopping once you're sure the bridge is sturdy.

You begin to make your way across, though when you're nearly at the other side you feel the materials begin to splinter and crack beneath you. You try to scramble to the other side, but you feel yourself falling...

All you remember is the hot blazing heat and then... cool darkness. You awake outside of the chasm on a smooth, flat rock.

A familiar form kneels beside you, tending your wounds. It takes several blurry moments to realize this is not your guide, but a cluster of fireflies in a cloak the same color as your guide's fur. Your injuries are blindingly painful, but you will live; you can tell somehow by the way the fireflies buzz around you. However, the deep wound (about 6 inches long) that you notice on the right side of your abdomen will turn into an obvious scar as it heals. You feel like you've lost something else along the way too, losing 80 Healing skill points.

You realize loosely how little sense that makes and you wonder if this is real, but a warm force closes your eyes and bids you to think of home, of safety. When you awake next, you are in a safe place, one which you might have imagined.

You decide trying to cross the gap as-is is just too dangerous, and you get to gathering materials from the other room to begin building a bridge across. After a long period of building and ensuring your bridge is safe, you begin to cross and your guide follows, seeming impressed with your work despite his stoic demeanor. Though you make it across, a sound behind you catches your interest, and you turn to see what it could be...

A giant, glowing worm erupts from the molten chasm below, lava sputtering onto the ground before you. It screeches, towering over the stage and you immediately recognize its name as Jerry. The guide growls, his stance rigid and wide. This is an enemy that must be dealt with if you wish to escape with your life.

What do you do?

Strength: Find a way to attack the worm.
With the way the worm's head begins to lower toward you, surely you can find time to strike...

Charisma: Convince the guide to deal with the worm.
Surely he has a better idea how to deal with this than you do, right?

Dexterity: Try to dodge the worm and stay out of its range.
Surely there's got to be a way to escape this worm, if you're just quick enough!

Wisdom: Study the worm to figure out how to deal with it.
You've never seen anything quite like this, so maybe acting too rashly isn't the best idea. You decide to study it inside and see what information you can gather.

Rerolled using Firefly's Favor.

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1. feelings? eaten. belly? round Sea's Plain 01:15 PM, 10-17-2023 05:27 AM, 05-01-2024