
Allt veit ek Óðinn

[ halloween thread ]



10-28-2023, 06:41 PM

You study the room for a long while until you figure out the safest path to the exit. Avoiding the frigid cold waters, you find a solid path toward the small opening on the other side of the room, grabbing a carefully bundled item along your way. You make a note to examine it later.

At the end of the collapsed tunnel, what appears to have once been an elaborate shrine at some point in time lays demolished. A part of the wall carves out and opens to an open room full of jagged ice floating in deathly waters. In the center, a large, flat expanse is frozen, and on the other side, what look like daylight shines through a small opening.

What do you do?

Strength: Break through the jagged ice to the exit.
The ice doesn't look so tough, you can probably break through the tips and clear a path.

Charisma: Convince your guide to lead the way.
The guide may know how to get through the treacherous cave.

Dexterity: Jump from jagged peak to peak towards the exit.
If you time your jumps just right, you think you'll be able to use them as stepping stones.

Wisdom: Look for the safest path to the exit.
Looking ahead, there has to be one safe path... if only you can spot it.

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1. Allt veit ek Óðinn S.S. Antiox 06:41 PM, 10-16-2023 02:59 PM, 03-31-2024