
collect call



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-28-2023, 10:15 PM

Beauregard has met wolves of different paths, including Garm who had stirred the memories of his grandfather, Bjørn. The old, scarred wolf was a figure that Beauregard could not forget from his birth pack. A foreigner, as many had been at one time that settled there, his grandfather was different from any other wolf. His accent thick, his body scarred, an eye torn away in battle, but despite his advanced age, whenever those of the Empire dared try to conquer the pack, the man met them in battle with a ferocity that protected his family and packmates from harm. He was a respected warrior, the head of their defenses, and respected by wolves young and old for his battle prowess. It was his drive to protect his loved ones, and his unwavering spirit, that had inspired Beauregard on his path of wanting to be a protector as a boy. He couldn’t help but wonder… What would the man think of him now? Now that he was an alpha, now that he had completed his pilgrimage and was creating a family of his own? Would the man be proud of what he had become?

Beauregard knows compared to his grandfather he is not as fierce nor as ruthless a fighter. But as he steps onto the battlefield, he feels the importance of keeping his skills in top form. Challenging different opponents, working to keep his people safe. He could not falter. His claws bit into the bloodstained soil. He thinks of the wolf that attacked his mates. If any wolf dared threaten his family… he had to be prepared to do whatever is necessary to ensure they would not return a second time. If that meant he would have to kill, then he would need to do so. He drew in a breath, steadying himself. “Grandfather, if you are with the spirits, if you can hear me now… please, lend me your strength.” Beauregard speaks softly. He must protect Norad. He can’t fail them. He can’t fail himself.

The wind picks up around the ashen cream wolf and Beauregard lifts his gaze. A heartbeat later the call of challenge sounds across the battlefield. The call… His eyes light up and a smile touches his lips. “Thank you.” He feels that his grandfather has heard him, and that this call was meant for him. Beauregard tilts his head back and releases a call in response. He is coming to answer her call. And with him, he brings his companions. Blind trots at Beauregard’s side as he hones in on the woman who sought a challenger, and, in the skies, Trill keeps an eye on things from above.

The woman he sees is much like his grandfather once was. Scarred, marked with things that he does not understand, but in a way that Beauregard remembers in seeing on his grandfather’s own form. He never asked the man how he came to their pack, nor did he ever get the answer for how such an old wolf had been able to have a child. But perhaps he didn’t need to know. That was his grandfather’s story… and he needed to focus on his own.

Beauregard stops several wolf lengths from her, widening his stance, digging his claws into the soil. He gives her a nod, ears slipping back to protect them in the fight to come. His head lowers, aligning with his spine, and likewise his tail raises to do the same. Defenses that are second nature to him. The wind brushes over his fur, over the leather wraps on his legs. His blue gaze meets with her own. This is a warrior that was worth every bit of respect and strength he had to offer. She would not only be able to handle him and his companions, but Beauregard felt confident he could learn a thing or two from this woman.

“I am Beauregard Ravenwood of Norad. I will meet your challenge.” His gaze drifts to her axe. Unsurprising she would have a weapon on her. “I do not mind if you choose to draw your weapon, but I would ask that our fight be an honorable one, one that we may both walk away from.” And if she chose to draw her weapon he would do the same. His dagger was not as large as an axe, but it had been crafted by his grandfather himself. He was confident in its durability. Blind cast a look at him, scoffing.

“Yes Beau, get an ear chopped off. I’m sure your mates will LOVE seeing that.” The fox grumbled. The man tilted his chin towards his chest, a rumble leaving his chest. “Do not judge her a savage just because of her scars, Blind.” He doesn’t look at his companion, gaze never once leaving his opponent. “You have the first move, if you wish it.” That was to the scarred woman. He wanted a fight that would push him to his limits, and he didn’t doubt that this one would do just that.


Beauregard vs Bylgja for Spar
Round 0/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Curved blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather arm wraps
Companion 1: BlueJay, Female - Perception
Companion 2: Arctic fox, Female - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Expert Intellectual

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

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1. collect call The Battlefield 08:35 PM, 10-28-2023 05:31 AM, 05-01-2024