
Bare Bear Baer



3 Years
10-30-2023, 06:10 AM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2023, 08:53 PM by Cirrus. Edited 1 time in total.)

"Cirrus Mireya"

Cirrus was a creature of extraordinary beauty, her fur mostly white, but adorned with cloudy grey patches that ran down one side of her graceful form. The mottled light coming from above usually left her dappled and even more appealing, but the snatches of sky glimpsed between the thick foliage above was dark and ominous.

The grove was a haven of life, with berries and fruits hanging in ripe abundance from the boughs of trees. It was here that Cirrus planned to spend her day, frolicking among the tall grass and exploring the mysteries of the forest. The grove felt like a painting, a masterpiece of nature with its vibrant colors and sweet fragrances.

On this day, as Cirrus was playing near a thicket of blueberry bushes, she sensed an unsettling change in the air. Dark clouds gathered above, and a strange, foreboding tension filled the grove. Cirrus paused, her childlike expression of wonder fading as she gazed at the sky. In the distance, the first icy pellets of hail began to fall, striking the leaves of the trees like bullets. It was loud. Too loud for Cirrus, but she couldn't exactly turn off the sky, now could she?

But the sudden hailstorm was not the only cause of her unease. A powerful and ominous presence drew near. From the underbrush emerged a massive grizzly bear, its fur a deep, dark brown, standing taller than any creature Cirrus had ever encountered. The grizzly's growl rumbled like thunder as it approached, and its eyes gleamed with a menacing hunger. It wasn't happy about the sudden onslaught of falling ice chunks either.

It never dawned on the fae that she might run. To her, the only way out was forward and through. Despite her childlike demeanor, she was a killer when the need arose. She bared her teeth and growled back, piercing, mismatched eyes staring hard with determination. In her own unique way, she communicated to the grizzly that it was not welcome in this paradise.

The hailstorm intensified, and icy shards fell with greater ferocity. Cirrus and the grizzly circled each other, two predators of the forest, one graceful and swift, the other powerful and relentless. Cirrus, with her nimble agility, darted around the grizzly, using the grove's natural cover to her advantage. Her laughter, though now less childlike, echoed through the grove. She found joy in the strangest things. There was a screw loose in there somewhere for sure.

The fight raged on, the elements themselves joining in the clash. Cirrus's snowy fur and the grizzly's dark coat blended with the falling hail, making it seem as if the very storm had come alive to bear witness to their struggle. Despite her size disadvantage, Cirrus displayed remarkable cunning. She darted in and out, her cloudy patches allowing her to blend into the shifting landscape, confusing the grizzly.

The grizzly, however, was relentless. It bore the marks of many battles and had strength that was unmatched. Cirrus could feel her energy wane as the storm raged on, and the wounds from the grizzly's claws began to take their toll. At least it hadn't bitten her, but she wouldn't last much longer if they kept up this same dance. Where was Tiros? A frown formed on the fae's maw as she glanced from side to side, distracted by the thought that her brother should be near.


As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.