Want some puppies?
03-09-2013, 08:15 PM
Well Keki and Maka are in their first heat and have no idea what wrong with them. They just turned 3 and well Maka is too immature but Keki is usually the one to always ya know keep to herself. So I'm guessing it would be surprising for her to have pups especially since Crusade is now her adoptive mother but yea. I was thinking he would take adbvantage of her like you said in his profile. Th eline where he sees females as slaves and stuff. Guess she could be out walking and stuff them BAM pregnant xD lol sorry I just had to use that line. And if you don't recognize that then I shun thee....jk jk jk. But I guess we could like have them have a thread and see what happens, and if I change my mind she can like flee or something right xD holy jebeezus I rambled a lot. But er well :3