
Rare and Sweet Like Cherrywine



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
10-30-2023, 10:30 AM

As her ever pleasant company continued to draw impressively large conclusions about what faith Aurelia had managed to maintain for herself, she promptly made the decision to check out of the conversation entirely. She maintained a tight grin behind narrowed eyes, but her attention remained fixed on the ground off to the side. She had nothing more to say to this girl. It wasn’t her duty to ensure some basic standard of understanding be achieved in Sephiran and his lackeys. The girl kept on and on about heaven, hell, and sinning- monotheistic ideals that had nothing to do with her branch of paganism. Aurelia also had to agree that whatever physical demise either of them came to, it would certainly share a similar outlook in the grand scheme. But what would be the point in correcting her? It’s not like she was going to lose sleep over the opinions of those around her. Oh, but crazy fanatical bitch- that was a new one. Had she been concerned with the thought fo someone thinking ill of her, she would have simply stayed with her family.

The next barrage of hateful intent she was struck with, wasn’t so easily ignored.  Be more effective about meeting that Goddess of yours or stop shitting out your mouth. Her sapphire gaze widened a bit, though she didn’t alter her line of sight as it slowly transitioned into a thousand-yard stare. The emotional detachment- there it was. It was paired with the realization that the other girl- who had already turned and was seeing herself back to whatever she was doing before this fun-filled encounter- was right. More words were spat out, but the epiphany she had been led to was much more important. What was she doing right now? Sitting. Exercising the leg that had just been somewhat restored to her. Her mind had been twisted! He had begun to indoctrinate her into this life … and she hadn’t noticed! None of it mattered! This was her opportunity!  “You are absolutely right.” She answered quietly to herself- it was a response to the girl, but she was already long gone.

As she brought herself to her paws- her attention panned up to a sudden drop off in the Ridgeline above. It would be a fairly difficult ascent- it was taller than the pine trees that littered the inlet. But in that moment, she had her mind set.
-fade for travel-

It had taken her a good while to reach the point she had set her sights on- hobbling on her leg and all. And when she arrived on the small plateau, she didn’t hesitate until her toes were curled over the edge. Aurelia didn’t look down- just out over the trees as she stood much taller than them now. “Accipe sacrificium meum deae... Me bene in altera vita inveniat.” She whispered into the wind as it rushed against her face. She leaned into it, accepting it to be her final embrace. And as the ingrained instinct to self-preserve screamed in the back of her mind, Aurelia remained still- almost painful so.

The sensation of falling was a peculiar one, though it wasn’t something she reveled in for very long. When her head and body collided with something that couldn’t possibly be the ground- unconsiousness stole her away.

-fade via unconsiousness-

"Aurelia Veratti"
 Fancy Italic.

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1. Rare and Sweet Like Cherrywine The Polar Sound 07:50 PM, 10-17-2023 08:53 PM, 11-25-2023