
Racing into the storm

Bunni [Navigation Seasonal]


10-30-2023, 01:14 PM

The young wolf was hungry. Near starving. She could have asked for help. Could have asked any of the Armada wolves to share some of their food. Yet, she felt... to be a burden. Why would they want to help her now? After she wandered off and got lost. Not that she had done it on purpose. No. She had been trying to be useful, to be helpful, to be an asset to the pack even if she couldn't talk. But she didn't know the area. Didn't know how to navigate around the northern regions of Boreas and had unfortunately gotten lost. Had almost died too, but had thankfully made it back to the shores of the cove where she had been found. Recovery had been slow going, but she was getting there. Healthy enough to wander north of the col in search of food. Just enough food to get her by.

As she went, the snow had picked up. The wind sent gusts of frozen white flakes into her face. She was lost once more. Turned around and unsure of which way was back, she continued on. Not far ahead of her, she had seen a trail of snow hare. Well, she had thought she had seen a snow hare. What with how the environment changed so quickly, she wasn't so sure anymore. Trying to shield her eyes against the blustery gales, she hunkers down for a moment. Snow blows over her form as it soon buries her. There is a moment of wanting to give up. Of wanting to give in and just let it all end right here and right now. That flicker disappears as soon as it arrives when a frail scent of hare reaches back to her.

Perking up, the girl squints through the haze and sees something up ahead. Yet, that form is larger than a hare, but the fur is as white as the snow surrounding them. Confused, Dee manages to push her way through the ankle-deep snow as the storm begins to pick up again. Closing in on the distance, Dee finally sees that the form is of a wolf. A wolf that she does not recognize, but maybe they know the way back to the col! With how the storm is picking up, dousing her thoroughly to the bone, she is ready to return back to safety. Approaching as fast as her legs can make it through the powder, she tries to let out a bark. What comes out is a strangled noise that makes her sound like a dying bird. Frustrated, Dee doesn't stop until she can nearly touch the stranger. Opening her lips once more, she tries to make a noise, any noise, but nothing comes. Instead, she leans back onto her hind legs and lifts up so that she can wave her front paws around to get the stranger's attention.

wc: 482 = 874/1500

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1. Racing into the storm The Marble Wash 10:39 PM, 10-23-2023 06:17 AM, 11-05-2023