
An Un-pheasant Situation

[ Halloween Thread ]



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-30-2023, 05:24 PM

Cold shards of ice separating her from the inside of the castle scraped and bumped her body as she pushed her way through the cracks. She could see the interior of the building now! She had a little further to go but she couldn’t get her lower end through the small gap. The pain was almost enough to stop her advances if it weren’t for the progress she had already made. With a helpful shove from her guide, Varu pushed through the wall and felt a sharp piece of ice scrape her muzzle as she popped out through the other side. Crimson trickled from her wound, dripping off her brown muzzle and onto the icy floor. Wiping the blood away with a paw, she turned to make sure her accomplice was able to follow. Her slender build allowed her easier passage through the tight space and she joined Varushka inside the disheveled hallway. Once elegant pillars lay broken in heaps of debris, and intricate artworks and sculptures were shattered among other wreckage. The hallway began to look more unstable as the two walked along, careful as to not injure themselves on the sharp objects strewn about. They were inside the castle of ice and there was no way she was turning back now. Cautiously they continued with Varushka leading the way. Uncertainty tickled at her belly, but she knew if she watched her step and was attentive with her listening they could make it through unharmed.

[Varushka wants to roll for dexterity!]


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1. An Un-pheasant Situation Rustling Thicket 09:20 PM, 10-17-2023 05:17 AM, 05-01-2024