
Floppy eared Koi! [Closed]

The long awaited gaybies!

Cherry OOC

10-30-2023, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2023, 02:30 PM by Cherry OOC. Edited 2 times in total.)
OOC Name: Cherry

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Harumi
Gender: AFAB Nonbinary (they/them)
Alignment: Chaotic Good, subject to change

[Image: B4li5i.png]

While Harumi's siblings may more or less look more wolf than dog, Harumi themself will appear as if they've hoarded all the typical collie traits for themself. As a pup, they'll be small; not a runt, by any means, but obviously dwarfed in size by any bigger siblings, and their growth spurt will only push them to 23 inches at their full, adult height. Their fur is long and silken, although not to the same extent as it would be if they had more collie blood, and their ears are fully folded, resting limply against their head.

For all intents and purposes, were it not for a few telltale features, Harumi would have nothing to show that they are their fathers' child. Their base pelt are different shades of a pale-tawny brown, lightening towards their face, neck and stomach, front paws and tail. A thin cream blaze stretches from the top of their head and outlines their muzzle and cheeks, and coats their undersides in small patches of cream. Speckled, cream spots, like those of a doe's, stretch across their back and shoulders to their tail. Their ears and hind paws are the darkest parts of them, save for their eyes; their ears are a medium brown, marked and speckled with the darker brown that covers most of their hind paws from ankle to toe. Much like their front paws, their toes and the back ends of their hind paws are lighter, being the same medium brown.

And their eyes? From the start, they'll have Nao's thick, long lashes, accentuated by a pair of dark, doe-ish chocolate brown eyes. It is,  beyond their slightly more wolf-like build, the only thing they'll have inherited from Nao. On the other hand, however, small horns will poke from their head- even as they grow older, unfortunately, said horns will be nothing but tiny nubs, practically useless except aesthetically.

Should they be given the chance, Harumi will make a habit of decorating themselves with things they find- mostly flowers, but the cloth around their neck may just as likely become an addition as they begin to get older.

Personality: Harumi may be small in body, but they're absolutely not in spirit.

From their first venture out into the world, Harumi makes it clear that they think it's something to be conquered, no matter how they have to do that. And, yes, that includes their siblings and whatever said siblings may think of them. They live and breath ferocity- it's almost as if it's pumped into their veins in lieu of blood, and they'll make sure anyone and everyone knows that.

Harumi is, from their first taste of anything even vaguely dangerous, the sort to actively seek it out. Maybe not so much get their siblings involved- if it's one thing they do fear, it's the wrath of their parents if either find out- but their thrill-seeking habits will be almost impossible to break, even as they get older. Especially as they get older, whether it be due to the realization of just how dangerous things are or realizing they can handle themselves better.

Harumi does, generally, tend to wear their heart on their sleeve as well- they'll never be in the habit of hiding things as a pup, and their brutal honesty is something that will also stick around as they're older. The way they see it, they're not going to lie for anyone else's sake- if they need to hear it, then they're going to hear it, even if Harumi may not have much tact in the being gentle aspect of things. They're here for the hard truth.

That being said, they walk a delicate line between attention whore and heavily family orientated, especially as a pup. If they want their siblings attention, or their parents, they're not above lashing out in a jealousy-fueled temper tantrum, especially at whatever siblings may be taking that attention away. This will be something that fixes itself, later, whether it be through strained relationships with their family or Harumi (somewhat) maturing.

While they'll never truly mature, always keeping the snark and humor they had as a pup, Harumi does truly care for their family, and for those they're close to. Despite things that may seem otherwise, they don't truly mean any harm.
Skills: Healing and Navigation
Plans: Mostly to be a completely menace to their parents, their siblings, and whoever has the displeasure of running into them. I'm a sucker for drama, so if I get the chance and think of something / if something comes up that I think throwing Harumi in would fit, I'll probably do that unless someone snipes me first. Beyond that, though, most everything is up in the air.

RP Sample: (Using the Ardy bot rolled prompt "It's a muggy late evening. You're feeling jealous and getting in a fight." Siblings are left vague for now.)

Usually, Harumi doesn't mind the warmer weather. Usually, they would have thrived in something like this.

That's not today.

Even with the sun starting to set low in the sky, the evening is too hot. Hatumi's thick fur doesn't help things, and, with a low grumble, they rest their head on their paws, staring out at the horizon for a bit. Upon the silence that follows, however, they take a breath-

and grumble again, louder this time.

Still nothing.

Or at least not anything directed towards them, anyways. After a moment of silence, one of their siblings pipes up with a complaint of their own- and this time, their Pa tries to comfort the whining child. White-hot jealousy flashes through Harumi, and despite their very loud grumbles of dicomfort, they stir to whip their head around and give the offending sibling a glare.

"Would you shut up?" Hypocritical of them, maybe, considering they hadn't, themself- but they're ignoring that for now.