
welcome to the drama, honey!

haydee & bay


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
10-31-2023, 02:46 PM

The sun warms the Auster lands as the mild summer days seem to be flying by. It is nearing the change of seasons and Haydée is loath to see this wonderful summer, end. Still, there is much to be done in her pack and, while she would have loved to spend the day stretched out on a warm rock, there are patrols to be run and things to be done. As she walks the well-worn path that leads around the borders of the falls that Ethne claims, a strange sort of dread begins to weigh down her stomach. Then, as if sensing her sudden apprehension, a chilling chorus of howls sings out from within the lands of the creek.

It is eerie, a challenge and a warning and the girl is off like a shot, racing toward the intruders even before Bay issues his own call… for her. Fear strangles her heart, making it flutter and pound like some caged bird as she worries for her Bay. Branches whip at her from the underbrush she rushes through, lashing out at her racing form and leaving welts in their wake but the young leader pays them no mind. She cannot, or maybe she simply will not, allow anyone to be harmed in her pack again… not since.... Morbid images of her father’s mutilated corpse flash in front of her eyes and, without slowing, she booms a command to those within the pack to seek shelter and be ready.

Soon after, a familiar golden coat appears near the creeks edge and Haydée slows, casting her eyes around in search of danger as she slows down to a trot. The soft sounds of crying reach her young ears and the youth casts her emerald eyes to the form curled up in front of Bay… and she stops. A monochrome woman lays in dirt, bloody, beaten, and just this side being alive and she feels anger boil her blood at whomever did this to her. With slow, measured steps the young woman approaches the pair, still alert for danger but also now protective of this injured woman. There is a scent that lingers around her, one that strikes her the girl as familiar.

As she attempts to remember why it is familiar, she comes to a stop near the woman and gently says, “You are safe now. I am Haydée, Leader of the pack Ethne and no one will hurt you here.” A paw lifts to gently brush at a tear that is trailing down the woman’s dirty cheek as she softly says to Bay, “She is hurt pretty badly, we need to get her warm and check her injuries. Go and gather the supplies you will need, I will stay and guard her.” Green gaze moves to catch his blue one and there is a seriousness in it that holds no room from argument.

This woman needs their help but the young woman will be damned if she is going to leave them alone while she goes and fetches supplies. No, at least she can defend the woman if someone still wishes to cause her harm.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. welcome to the drama, honey! Cattail Creek 12:05 PM, 10-30-2023 07:05 PM, 01-31-2024