
enchanting to meet you



10-31-2023, 03:58 PM

You try to talk to the spider, her beady eyes staring at you unblinkingly. She chitters for a moment before lunging.

The guide jumps in and thrums on the strings, gaining the spider's attention. With the spider distracted, the family of creatures are able to get free and usher you to a safer space alongside them.

After a jaunting struggle, the guide is able to escape the web. Once back to the safety of the base of the tree, you take a moment to recoup.

The inhabitants tell you of something causing the tree to vibrate, which is making the spider's web give her false signals. This has become confusing for her, and the once guardian of the tree has been blindly attacking anything she finds in her web. They explain the vibration comes from underground and show you to a hatch in the floor that leads to a cave.

The cave is small and seems fairly fresh, with loamy soil still clinging to the roof and walls like a newly dug den. It is dark, but your eyes adjust and you see a series of paths you can choose to take.

What do you do?

Strength: Take the straightforward path.
Stop wasting time and just go until you find something.

Charisma: Call out to the void.
Why try to find the source of the vibration, when you can let the source of the vibration find you?

Dexterity: Squeeze through the newest tunnel.
The freshest tunnel should lead to the one digging it, right?

Wisdom: Follow the vibration.
If you feel through your paws, you can distinguish where the vibrations are the strongest and follow those there.

Leave and exit the event.

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1. enchanting to meet you Weeping Woods 08:41 AM, 10-17-2023 05:24 AM, 05-01-2024