
That's Gonna Leave a Mark



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
11-01-2023, 02:25 PM
Ever the wanderer, Sitri couldn't keep himself from occasionally drifting away from Ashen's lands even though he was now officially calling them home again. When he returned to his family after his time spent adventuring, he hadn't been certain how long he would actually stay, but now that he was settled back in and confident that he could still wander to his heart's content he felt like he was there for good. Of course who was to say what the future would hold, but for now he was happy to be back with his family again. They were the only thing he loved more than his freedom. Today he found himself in Auster, curiously scoping out the borders of The Hallows and a new pack he hadn't been expecting to find. He didn't know much about The Hallows, other than the fact that his aunt was fond of them and the pretty, dark-coated girl he had met a little while back lived there, but that was enough for him to sneak some curious glances into their lands from beyond the borders.

While he was exploring, however, he saw a storm quickly rolling in on the horizon. He had seen more than enough angry, dark clouds to know that it meant trouble and he very quickly found a dense thicket at the edge of the woods to take shelter in just as the thunder began to roll and the ran started thumping against the ground outside. He sighed as he watched the rain and hail through the covered entrance to his current hiding spot, resting his head on his mismatched paws while he settled in to wait out the storm. At some point he must have dozed off, lulled to sleep by the storm, because he awoke a bit later with a start and when he peered outside the storm had let up for the most part. It was hard to tell at first glance, but he thought he might have a couple of hours or so before sunrise. The sky was just beginning to show the first signs of lightening from a deep black to a dark navy. It was still raining and drizzling a bit, but much more passable than the previous storm had been.

He pulled himself out of the thicket, stretching with a bit of a groan and shaking out his coat after being curled up for so long. Since it was still raining he decided to move deeper into the woods, hoping the tree cover would keep the worst of the rain off of him while he continued to explore. If nothing else, he hoped maybe he could find a more comfortable place to sleep so he could go back to sleep till the sun was fully up. However, as he moved deeper into the twisted and gnarled forest, he picked up on the scent of multiple wolves and blood, the combination putting him on alert and making his hackles begin to bristle. He didn't know what was going on here, but whatever it was he didn't think it was good. Still, he was curious and wondering if everyone was okay, so he pressed on, eyes scanning the woods for a sign of what he was smelling. As he walked around the trunk of a large tree, he was suddenly brought to a dead stop, nearly stepping on the corpse of a male wolf. A quick glance around the clearing revealed a second, similar corpse. Most of the wounds they had were an unusual shape that was obviously not made by the claws or teeth of another predator, but he didn't immediately see whoever it was that had done them in either.

As he was investigating the apparent crime scene, his ears perked as he picked up on a soft whimpering that was coming from a near by tree. Cautiously he moved toward the sound and as he got closer the scent started to jog a memory. Perhaps he wouldn't have caught on to it so quickly if the girl hadn't recently been on his mind with his exploration of The Hallows borders, but as it was he was able to put two and two together quickly and he picked up the pace, hurrying over to the hollow tree and peering inside. It was almost hard to see her with how dark her fur was in the shadows, but her whimpers made it impossible not to notice her. "Dusk?" he questioned gently, moving a bit closer as his gaze went to the obvious wound along her neck. "Fuck..." he muttered softly under his breath as he began to put the pieces together with her dead assailants behind him. He reached forward and tapped her paw as he began trying to wake her up from what seemed like nightmares, saying, "Dusk? Can you hear me? I'm going to take you home."

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"

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1. That's Gonna Leave a Mark Wraith's Woods 09:01 PM, 10-09-2023 10:13 AM, 03-31-2024