
Itsa Me!


11-01-2023, 11:00 PM
She almost didn't see the approach of the other until she heard their voice. Raze stopped where she was, head tilting as she eyed the larger stranger up and down. Ooh, her first fight since being back!? She grinned a mischievous grin as she turned toward her would-be opponent. Or rather, opponents. Raze didn't have companions of her own. It was just her. Had been for most of her short life. She flexed her claws in the ground as she flashed a grin, lowering herself just a tad as she squared up. "Three against one, eh? This should be interesting." She rolled her shoulders, and then she was off.

While she was tiny, the young woman was fierce. She raced in toward her opponent, tiny paws eating the ground beneath her as she charged head-on at Lefty. As she got closer, she sought to feign to her left, then her right in an effort to throw off her opponent, and then Raze would seek to dive in between Lefty's forelegs, head twisting toward Lefty's left foreleg in an attempt to catch it with her teeth should she make it through.

Raze vs Lefty for Spar
Round: 1/2
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Mutation 1: Serrated Fangs
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual