
Just a little wine




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-02-2023, 01:06 AM

It was the wine. It had to be the wine. Otherwise Scylla would have never showed such emotion, such weakness, in front of another. Especially Avacyn, whom she disliked. The emotional turmoil within the slate and cream fae brought a growl from her as her face remained mashed into the cold, wet grass of the bank. She was soaked but it didn't matter. Despite her current state, Scylla had to admit that speaking of her dislike for Ava out loud had made her feel a bit better. What else could she do to feel better? A moment of weakness should be followed by a moment of power to balance it out, right?

The purple woman continued to talk and, though it all made sense, Scylla didn't want it to make sense. She wanted to continue being angry because that was easier than admitting that she understood. A sardonic laugh tumbled from the waterlogged fae's lips. "The Kleins honor their word." If they didn't, Scylla wouldn't be here. Nor would Albion or Cerberus. None of them would have stuck around once the agreement was broken. Truthfully, she was disappointed in Manea as well for not pressing her will upon the issue. It just proved to Scylla that the word of a Mendacium meant little. She wouldn't make the mistake of trusting that word again.

When Ava move closer to see if she was alright, Scylla had already decided what she was going to do. The moment that the amaranthine leg was in view, a nimble paw zipped out to grab it. Though smaller, Scylla was strong and she was smart. Despite being drunk, she knew just how to use the larger wolf's weight against her. She sent Ava toppling to land in the water beside her. In an instant, Scylla had the larger woman's body straddled, their wet bellies pressed together. Balance weakness with power, and what made Scylla feel powerful? Sex.

With her smaller body laying atop Avacyn's larger, Scylla trapped the woman against the bank. Neither of them were even remotely at risk of drowning, but their lower portions and tails were indeed quite wet. "I've heard enough," the striped fae growled low, teeth bared and lips right above Ava's. "You love your brother. I love mine." That was what it all boiled down to. And that was enough. Enough talking for sure.

Scylla's lips crashed into Avacyn's in a rough kiss, the smaller fae's tongue sliding into the other woman's maw. She could taste the rich wine on her tongue and teeth. Knowing that Avacyn hadn't agreed to the kiss brought immense pleasure to the Klein femme. Nimble digits moved up to grasp either side of Ava's face, forcing the woman to look her straight in her glazed eyes. "This will be your only chance to run from me, little Mendacium," Scylla purred, her lips brushing Ava's as she spoke. "Stay and I'm going to fuck you like I did your brother." A generous wolf, she was. If Ava ran, then she would take any respect that Scylla may have felt for her along with her, but she did give her the option to do so.

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]

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