
A Fair Maidan's Kiss

Alora Intellect Seasonal


11-02-2023, 02:40 AM

Rare were the times when she was away from Alaois, but today was one of those days. Alora's massive sibling had gone to a more populated place in search of some supplies. The glowing fae tended to stay away from civilization as much as possible. Too many bodies and too much sound... it clouded her mind and made it hard to see. Not in the visual sense, but in the mystical sense. Alora was a seer. She couldn't remember a time in her life where she hadn't had visions. Sometimes they were of the past, sometimes of the future, but visions they were. The woman had this uncanny way of knowing things and this ostracized her from most groups. More than once she'd heard the whisper of witch. Lucky for Alora, she didn't need anyone but Alaois.

The woods were lovely, all foggy and mysterious. Alora felt quite at home in such a place. She found the mist to be terribly beautiful and she loved the way that her glowing spots lit up that mist with a cerulean sheen.  The delicate beauty enjoyed it so much that she'd found a raised platform of rock amidst the trees to lounge upon and enjoy her surroundings. The woman hummed a little song as she lay upon the rock, her sweet, lilting tones reverberating throughout the forest.

Suddenly, Alora wasn't alone. Sound from up ahead brought the fae's chin to rest upon the edge of the rock, the woman's icy eyes fixed upon the foliage in the distance. She saw the boy before he saw her and watched with amusement as he enacted a scene from his imagination. A wooden 'sword' was clenched between his teeth and he swung it back and forth, cutting down vines and make believe monsters. Alora watched with interest, her brows lifting when he finally brought his pale gaze to her resting form. A little yelp left the boy as he pricked his paw on one of the thorny vines, but he recovered quickly. The show continued.

Princess, he called her. Alora laughed softly, her silken tones carrying to the boy. "Please save me, my brave knight! Slay the dragon!" Dramatically, Alora pressed an obsidian gloved paw over her chest and batted dark lashes. The boy continued to hack and slash at the greenery until he deemed his foe to be defeated. Only then, when he declared victory, did Alora slide down from her rocky pedestal.

The small fae moved to the colorful boy and she dropped into a low, dramatic bow. "I, Princess Alora Dreamer, am in your debt, Sir Jericho." Rising from her bow, the fae lightly touched the knights shoulder, allowing him to rise. "I don't know what I would have done had you not come to rescue me." Leaning in, Alora placed a chaste little kiss upon the pups cheek. "My hero." Alora then pulled back to seat herself on the cushion of obliterated greenery. The fae's long tail curled around one hip and the various butterfly-like markings on her body pulsed brightly. "How did you come to find me, my brave knight?" A slight head tilt was given. This was a dangerous place for a young boy.


"Alora Dreamer"

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