


11-06-2013, 12:11 AM


It was really the only thing he could feel, the only thing he could comprehend other then the white hot rage ebbing through his veins. He bit down on that pain and let the anger fuel him as he aimed his attack at the male he had come to suddenly hate so much. He felt blood and flesh tore away and stuck in his teeth as the male dropped down suddenly and seemed to disappear. At the same time there was pressure on his hind leg and flash of pain on his tail. He needed to get away, needed to flee, and that was the thought that propelled him forward. Flesh ripped away from his tail, almost balding the end and probably fracturing the bone near the middle as the pressure increased near the thickest part of his tail. His movement forward caused him to stumble and trip as tried to get his legs away from what was behind him. He couldn't even comprehend anymore. Something hit him hard on his right hip and if he wasn't already out of the wolf's grip he was when an even bigger wolf threw all his weight at Vixe. If not for his lunge forward he knew it would have hit him in the ribs and knocked the air out of him but now it was simply gone and instead heat, pain and then finally numbness took over his hind limb. He didn't know where his original attacker was but there was more blood coming from his left shoulder, flesh ripped from the muscle and he only vaguely noticed a harsh bite wound to his right that before the impact sent him spinning and then tumbling away.

Getting up was hard this time, adrenaline still flared through him but weariness and pain were beginning to take their toll. He was a bit of a distance from the three now, blood was pouring freely from his shoulder, tail and skull but still a twisted grin formed on his features. "Your her dad aren't you? Just do it then, come and fucking kill me like I know you want to! Just you and me!" He barked, his voice a twisted growl as he took a step forward. His hind leg was beginning to regain some feeling, a sharp tingling coming through his limb as it returned to life. he kept his weight off it for the moment, knowing it would need to take more weight when his front left leg began to give out. Hell, he knew the worst part was the amount of blood he was loosing, his injuries were nothing to bother him for life but the blood loss was what could easily kill him if he wasn't careful. He waited, wanting to see if Collision would take him up on his offer or if he would have to face all three of them until he either killed one or they killed him. The earth ached for blood and he was willing to give it even if it meant his own. Paws spread slightly and joints loosened so he lowered his centre of gravity. He didn't even want to look down at his paw, didn't want to see the damage done but pain and heat rippled up his right leg as surly as it ebbed through all his other wounds. Ears flattened once more as sickly green eyes narrowed at the massive beast standing before him. He tried to steady his breath, curling his abdomen in and attempting to flex his tail out behind him but all there was was a sharp pain that arched all through his spine so he let it hang as it was. Nails spread and then clenched into the blood soaked earth to better traction then finally his shoulders rolled forward as he scrunched his neck and tipped his chin down as far as he could before blood started to pour into his eyes. He was ready for him...

0 of 3 Vixe vs. Collision DEATHMATCH

ooc;; gonna try and get Vixe away so we can more this to a 1 v 1 battle with Collision and Vixe, so I'll let Collision start us off!

Defences: Stance widened and joints loose to lower his centre of gravity, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, saying fuck it to the tail, tummy tucked, toes spread and clenched into the earth for traction, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward and chin tipped down.

Attacks: This is pretty much what he did since I'm writing like he's delusional and it might not make sense. Bailed hard from Caerul and tried to lunge forward, moving him forward so Collision hit his right hip instead of ribs and sent him spinning at the same time as Sarak took a large chunk of flesh off his left shoulder and Vixe went tumbling like a sack of potatoes away from them. Sarak's last attack was a bit unrealistic to land since Vixe went flying so I wasn't sure how to play that. If you want to run after him and say it landed thats okay by me, I just wasn't sure how to write it in sorry :( other then that no attacks at this point. Switching to 1 v 1 mode!

Injuries: A shit ton... Lets start at the beginning shall we? Four gouge wounds to the top of his skull, split ear that is bleeding heavily. Flesh wound on his right front shin. Four deep puncture wounds to his left shoulder with bruising as well, leg damaged and he will begin limping once the adrenaline wears off. Puncture wounds with a bit of a tear to the top of his inner and outer left thigh, also will hurt once the adrenaline wears off as well as superficial punctures and tears to the loose skin of his ruff. Newest wounds being slightly skinned and either fractured, dislocated or broken tail (judge's choice cuz I know you guys like inflicting pain on us), heavy bruising on his right hip, more flesh ripped off his left shoulder as well as flesh torn off his front right paw.
