




Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
11-02-2023, 06:49 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2023, 06:50 AM by Delphi. Edited 1 time in total.)

Hail falls from the sky as if the gods unleashed a bucket of golf balls out of the clouds. Her face is scrunched up and her ears pressed firmly against her head as she tries to see through the sheets of ice that now slowly cover the ground. A frustrated grumble resonates in her tiny chest as she continues to plod along through the bison. The giant creatures paid her no mind. They knew she would do nothing to them and if they needed to they would stomp her. She knew that just as well so there was a silent agreement that she would be free to wander as long as she minded her business.

What she didn't notice for a while was the massive predator hiding in between the sheets of hail. The massive polar bear stalked her with hunger and separation in its eyes. Slowly the hulking bear drew closer to her. Every step brings it far closer to her than she would realize until the sound of someone rushing up from the side causes her to freeze. Though soaked to the bone, her hair manages to puff up slightly as she watches with wide eyes as the massive wolf comes charging at her. Her mouth opens to shout, but quickly closes as he careens toward the predator that was moments away from taking her alive.

"WHOA!" Delphi starts, jumping in the air as she stares at the man as he begins to duel with the polar bear. From the tree, her companions stared as well and dared not move. They were smart enough not to risk their lives, but Delphi? Oh, Delphi, you poor, poor stupid pup. She couldn't let him fight the bear alone, now could she? Her eyes rove over the bear's massive form as it swipes and charges at the large wolf that dances around the bear. Where could she go that would allow her to help, if only a little bit? Unfortunately, there wouldn't be too much time for her to worry over such trivial things. It was either an attack or not.

As the larger wolf turned the bear away from her, continuing to dance and parry with the powerful beast, Delphi charged forward through the hail. If this tactic had worked before, maybe it would work again! Within feet of the bear, Delphi launches herself onto the back right thigh of the polar bear. Sinking her saber fangs into the bear's thick skin and meat, she holds on for dear life. Due to her small stature, the bear barely twitches toward her advance at first. The larger man a much larger threat for now.

Carefully, Delphi pulled herself up, paw by paw, tooth by fang until she was grasping the spine of the polar bear. Wobbling onto her paws, she grounded herself into the bear's fur as much as possible before slowly inching forward toward the bear's head. It isn't until Delphi is near the bear's head does it pays any mind to her. Knowing she is running out of time, she launches forward the last few inches and grabs ahold of the polar bear's left ear. Digging her fangs in for a good hold, she swings her hind legs over the bear's face to start scratching at his eyes with her hind paws. She hopes, oh she fucking hopes, that this guy will hurry up and kill the bear before it swipes her off its face with those massive paws.

wc 580
total 1766/1500

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