
Halloween Puppies!!! [CLOSED]

Medusa x Ignis & Ignis Mystery Litters!!


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
11-02-2023, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2023, 07:38 PM by Hermes. Edited 4 times in total.)
DONE!!! <3

OOC Name:Hermes
Litter Choice: Mystery litter
Character name: Wade Wilson Praetor
Nicknames: Wilson, Dead, Death, Merc

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Coat: The base color of Wade’s coat is dark russet that helps to lays the prefect groundwork for which all his hues will build upon. The bright, vibrant red of his father can be found on his face, cloaking his shoulders and running down his front legs, down the back of back of hind legs, and along the underside of his tail. Finally, the last color in this tri-colored man is a deep, jet black that masks his face, gloves his front legs, swathes his sides, and trails a thin line down the side of his tail.

Eyes: Wade’s eyes are a stark white that seem almost eerie set against the black mask of his face.

Physique: Muscles. From the time the boy is young, he will be more muscle than fat and, as he grows, it will solidify into an athletic build. Some might even say he was made to be fighter

Voice: Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool (duh).

Scent: Honey, candy, and death.

Unique Attributes: Wade will often break the fourth wall and talk to the reader as well as have different voices in his head that he interacts with. They will all be denoted with different colors.

Scars/Injuries: None yet

Height: 36” – 42” (might have the gems for a few extra inches. Would love him to be extra-large)
Size: Large – Extra-Large
Build: Medium

Mutations/disabilities: I wish I could get a mutation but I am unable to afford it at this time. <3

Personality: Annoying ~ Brave ~ Comedic ~ Impulsive ~ Loyal ~ Morally Gray ~ Not A Team Player ~ Obsessive ~ Prone to Violence ~ Sarcastic ~ Talker

Will suffer from bipolar disorder, and hear voices, from a young age

Wade will be your basic, happy-go-lucky pup, talking everyone’s ear off until they either play dead, or walk away. It isn’t that he is trying to rub everyone the wrong way, the boy just seems physically incapable of shutting off his mouth. This will lead him to be the ‘class clown’ type of kid and he will have a difficult time taking anything or anyone seriously.

Hey, you remember all that talking I mentioned? Well, that obsessive impulse that breeds the annoying trait will also bleed over into other areas and he will often repeat words that he finds funny and do certain actions over and over again simply because he finds them hilarious. Oh, and don’t be worried if it suddenly seems like he is talking you, yes you behind the computer, because he will definitely be breaking the fourth wall as much as I… er, he can.

Because of his eccentricities, it will be difficult for Wade to make friends and his ‘demon’s' won't make that matter any easier. However, once he trusts you, he will be loyal to you until the end!... or until he doesn’t like you anymore. Everything about him is abrasive, bizarre, annoying, and overall wacky and the boy will never attempt to dull any of it just to please others. Being raised by Ignis will give Wade a strong sense of what is morally gray and that is where he will happily work for all his life.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting

Potential plots?: I would love for Wade to eventually become a mercenary for hire, pimping out his skillz to other packs for money. Until then, lots of skills threads, family interactions, and pack stuff to help him find his moral compass… or lack of one.