
Throw Stones While You Can


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
11-02-2023, 06:34 PM

The state that his life had transitioned to was a curious one. While they were few in numbers- only a couple really. The routines that they were settling into felt more and more like a pack each and every day. Obviously, there was a long way to go before they could fool anyone into accepting that truth. Still, there was routine- one with forward momentum in mind, and to say he didn’t feel the impending anticipation was, to put it mildly. Even now- while the Polar Sound wasn’t really theirs to claim- he found himself ambling through the tree cover of the valley on a casual hunt for anything that seemed like it could be out of the ordinary.

He had been diligent in keeping up with Absinth, but of course, she made that task easy. But as far as this afternoon went, he had sought out space. Distance from her, for some reason he couldn’t explain, she made it difficult for him to think rationally. One day, she would dare too much from him, and he didn’t know what would happen. Even still, that was a problem for another day. For now, he’d manage himself with space, and figure out his purpose in the mix as all the other pieces began to fall into place.

Lingering near the entrance of the valley, he would do his best to maintain a presence in the event something or someone of interest came to pass. If he was going to be bored, he might as well be productive.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Throw Stones While You Can The Polar Sound 06:34 PM, 11-02-2023 09:02 AM, 12-04-2023