




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
11-03-2023, 06:43 AM

The skies opened up, and, to one who looked at the world as a series of signs, the hail storm that raged was incredibly ominous. A mother wolf, Valtiel by name, hurried her twin pups of two months through the frigid north in search of shelter so that they might wait out the storm. Chunks of ice pelted the fae as she tried to shield her children. She would be bruised, but it was nothing as long as her pups were okay. To add to the stressful situation, Val had caught the scent of brown bear very, very nearby.

Shelter came in the form of a dark opening in the mountainside. Valtiel hesitated. She could smell death emanating from the cave's entrance and would have found somewhere else to hunker down, but they were out of time. A guttural roar echoed behind the trio. A roar so loud that it stole the breath from Val and send her pups into instant whimpers. There was no choice. Out of the hail and into the crypt they went.

Val found herself in a dire situation deep within an underground crypt. Her sleek, jet-black fur was adorned with intricate swirls of charcoal, and glistening marks of gold ran along her ribs and the right side of her face. The woman could use the dark to her advantage with such a pelt and she planned to do so. The crypt was black and was rendered even more so when the hulking mass of the bear blocked out the light of the entrance.

The bear, a massive and relentless creature, had been drawn to the crypt by the scent of the wolves. Its primal instincts led it to this subterranean refuge, seeking the vulnerable family within. Valtiel knew that she had to protect her pups at all costs.

The battle was fierce and unforgiving. Valtiel's maternal instincts kicked into overdrive as she fought with every ounce of her being to keep the bear at bay. Her ebony fur became a blur of motion as she lunged and dodged, her teeth bared in a display of fierce determination. But the bear, driven by hunger and desperation, was an adversary that refused to yield. The woman, a fraction of the bear's size, inflicted damage, but it wasn't enough to hamper the determination of the ravenous giant.

Despite her valiant efforts, tragedy struck. In the midst of the chaotic struggle, the bear's sheer size and power proved too much for Valtiel. Her pups, trembling with fear, were unable to escape the terrifying ordeal. With heart-wrenching swiftness, the bear's monstrous paw swiped them both aside, their yelps of agony silenced as life left their young bodies. Valtiel watched in helpless anguish, her eyes wide with sorrow and rage.

In her grief and determination to avenge her fallen offspring, Valtiel fought on. She dug deep within herself, summoning the last vestiges of her strength and resolve. Her teeth sank into the bear's flesh, causing it to bellow in pain and fury. Claws slashed, and feral growls filled the crypt as a whirlwind of fur and blood unfolded.

But the battle had taken its toll on Valtiel. Her body bore the scars of countless wounds, and the bear's strength remained unyielding. In a cruel twist of fate, a powerful swipe from the bear's claws caught her across the shoulder, leaving a gaping wound. Blood spurted from the injury, and Valtiel felt her strength wane. She knew that she couldn't hold out much longer.

The crypt, an unforgiving witness to this brutal struggle, bore the marks of the battle on its damp, stone walls. The musty scent of ancient history mingled with the stench of fresh violence, creating an atmosphere of primal horror.

Valtiel's vision blurred as she fought to remain conscious. The bear, sensing her weakness, pressed its advantage. One final, blow sent her sprawling to the ground. As the world faded into darkness, Valtiel knew that she had given her all to protect her pups, even if it meant sacrificing herself.

Outside, the hailstorm continued its relentless assault, oblivious to the tragedy that had unfolded within the crypt's depths. The howling wind and icy pellets were a stark contrast to the heart-wrenching silence that had now settled in the underground chamber.

Valtiel's world had narrowed to a fading heartbeat and a distant, echoing growl. Her valiant efforts had been in vain, and the unbearable loss of her pups weighed heavily on her heart. She had fought with every fiber of her being, and though her life was slipping away, she had done everything a mother could to protect her offspring. Surely this was the end and she would be with them soon.

The grizzly, satisfied that the adult wolf was no longer a threat, began to consume the still warm bodies of the pups. Perhaps it would eat the mother later, but pup meat was so tender and one couldn't beat such fresh meat. As Valtiel's consciousness faded, the last thing that she saw was the bear spreading open the ribcage of her son.

WC- 844 Met


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