
sweetest things


11-06-2013, 01:32 AM

ooc;; short, need to get this in here

She couldn't help but giggle, almost falling over as he continued to show her affection when she asked if he wanted her to stay with him. Well at least he still wanted her as much as she wanted him. She never wanted to be apart from him again... She lifted a paw to push playfully at his chest in an attempt to get him to stop his antics though she only half heartedly wanted him to cease his kisses. And then everything seemed to happen so quickly, Euph spoke encouraging words to them and tipped her head back to howl for the alpha. Whatever hard feelings and jealousy the young girl had originally felt towards the older woman seemed to melt away as she beamed up at her. She was like the mom Kangi had never had and already she was beginning to like her. They would defiantly have to talk later... But no sooner then those feelings of peace and ease arrive they were chased off by the white wraith who slithered onto the scene. Something about him set Kangi's fur on end and slowly she lifted her lithe frame to her paws.

Sharp gaze gave him an appraising look and almost as soon as those words left his mouth she wanted to rip his tongue out. She had no practice in controlling her anger and immediately she was bristling, walking towards him and ready to get into her very first brawl. But Talon's soft voice floated forward, introducing her and she stilled herself, trying to draw in a few calming breaths. Talon's next words were what made her turn around and stare at him with open appal. Was he afraid of this man? There was need and a pleading tone in Talon's voice when he spoke to the king. Was that how kings were supposed to be treated? Confusion, anger, sorrow and despair seemed to crash down on her all at once. When she had first met Talon and he had described a king to her this was not what she had expected. She had expected a kind older male who smiled a lot and was very relaxed and happy. Not this asshole...

Her shoulders visibly sank and she tossed a confused look at Euph, then the king, and then back at Talon. What was she supposed to do? The other girl proved a helpful distraction, drawing the ghost's attention to her as she spoke and slowly Kangi took a few steps to return her back to Talon's side. She offered Talon a weak smile before looking towards the King. She couldn't look him in the eyes though she her orange gaze drifted to his paws as she drew in a shaky breath. "I would like to ask the same of the good alpha..." Her words were airy, desolate even and even as she spoke them they felt foreign to her, using words that Arietta had used and that she did not quite understand. What was she getting herself into?
