



11-06-2013, 01:40 AM

Imena had remained silent the rest of the way into Seracia territory. Her sky blue eyes would flicker to the two Amenti slaves. She moved slowly at their past, letting the older one, Hansel's sister, to lean on her for support.It would not take them long to get to the barn, but it felt like hours to the dark female. Her mind would travel back to Vahalla, worried for her packmate and her dear mate Cael. Her paws itched to do something, anything. So offering to help the two girls was her best choice. It would allow her mind to focus on one task at a time.

As they came to the barn she paused at it's entrance. She had never seen such a thing like this. Hackles lifted in wariness but as she watched the others go in she slowly followed. It would be a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the gloom to watch the Seracian push aside a wooden wall. Eyes narrowed in interest as she padded over to the grey females side. Carefully she gave the door a sniff before turning to look at Loccian. She would not question how Seracia had found such a thing but slightly envied her for having such a prime and spaceous place to store herbs. But quickly it would pass and she smiled gently."Thank you..this means alot. Everything your pack has offered and still offering." She said softly. Eyes scanned over the herbs till she began to gather a small bundle. She wished that male Dragon had followed to ask if he could get food. Is it possible to get these two some food? They'll need something small though. She asked before picking up her bundle of selected herbs gently.

She padded over to Gretel slowly, so as not to spook her. She laid down and began to go to work. Pulling out stinging nettle she chewed it up and spat the pulp out onto a large leaf. Next she took marigold and did the same, adding it to the pile, she pulled out goldenrod and mixed it into the these little seeds, it'll help the pain and soothe your nerves. she told both girls, giving each two poppy seeds before taking her poultice and applying to any wounds the two had. The sound of another entering the barn had Imena stiffen and turn to look. By scent the brown female was Sercaian.Um..Loccian i think your needed. she called softly just as the brown woman laid down with a groan. She turned back to the two before her.I'm going to apply this pulp here to your wounds, it'll help heal them and take down swelling. We'll worry about grooming later. First we need you well rested and fed. she told them in a gentle soothing voice.