
So when were you planning on telling me?




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
11-03-2023, 05:07 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 01:50 PM by Flurry. Edited 3 times in total.)
Flurry listened numbly to the remaining echo of her yell as it bounced off of the walls of one of the resort buildings. The longer Flurry tried to reign her emotions in the longer she was really just stewing in them. She'd asked Deluge not to tell Scald she knew they were all leaving... And she had no fucking clue if she had or hadn't, it wasn't like she'd seen much of Scald lately. She knew it was also at least half on her but damn, after one brother had simply fucked off with not even a fucking goodbye was it too much to ask the other one not do that? She should have just sought him out, told him she knew and was a little hurt he hadn't bothered to tell her... And now the day they were leaving was looming, Flurry didn't know exactly when it would be but winter was ending, and Deluge had said no later than spring... She was trying to finally take things into her own paws, she'd talk to her brother one way or the other but- Well fuck the idea of doing so made her so fucking angry! She didn't want the last conversations with Scald for who knew how long to be in anger.

But nothing was fucking working! Yelling just left her feeling hollow. There was no logic happening when her emotions were this strong. Hell she'd even slammed herself into walls and all it left her with was bruises. "Motherfucker!" Flurry shouted, she'd picked one of the buildings further in the island, one that by the smell of it wasn't visited often. Not because she cared if anyone heard her but because she was trying to get herself under control before she approached anyone, she was trying to not just unload her wrath on anyone, even Scald. Assuming she could even find him, he'd been keeping himself off pack lands as of late it seemed. Surprise, surprise this scream hadn't helped either. Flurry was so... tired. Her shoulder slammed into a nearby wall but it was more because she was letting herself enter into a controlled fall than anything else, sliding down the wall until she collapsed in a vaguely Flurry shaped puddle on the floor. Maybe it wasn't anger, maybe it was pain. She'd been learning just how out of the loop she really was. Everyone else got to know what was happening but her. She was supposed to be working to take over from her father and he didn't even care enough to tell her about decisions he'd made, ones that would in the end also affect her. He just did shit, fuck the consequences and fuck her right? And frankly Scald wasn't innocent in this either. He was tearing rifts in their lives and he didn't even bother to give her a heads up. She didn't know what had caused Rexx to leave but she blamed him too, not a single word on what had happened to make him bounce out of their lives like they were worthless... Everyone got context but her, all she got was having her life upended out of nowhere, and each time felt like a slap to the face. And she was to blame for not just seeking Scald out and just getting the context she was missing, but damn, could you blame a girl for assuming she'd not get it anyways?

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Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. So when were you planning on telling me? Daager Isle 05:07 PM, 11-03-2023 10:05 AM, 03-31-2024