
wake me up


11-06-2013, 01:51 AM

She had missed him so much... Whenever they parted ways it always felt like there was a hole left in her chest, some part of her that Talon took with him whenever he left. She knew it was mostly her fault, she was being the difficult one here. It was stupid of her to ask him to give up his life in the pack to live alone as a rouge and she couldn't even give a good excuse as to why she didn't want to go live with him in a pack. It was just some feeling in her gut that told her that she shouldn't. But if it was good enough for Talon then why wasn't it good enough for her? She didn't understand it, didn't understand herself... But more then anything she didn't understand this. Everything she was feeling right now, everything she always felt when she was around Talon. Why couldn't she just toss that gut feeling that warned her away from the pack aside when the feelings she had for Talon were so much stronger? Maybe it was just something she would never understand...

She didn't notice her racing heart, she could barely hear anything over the sound of her own heart beat in her ears. A mixture of excitement and nervousness washed over her at the thought of spending the night with him. What if they spent more time together and he decided that she was weird or not worth his time? It wasn't the first time those insecurities had risen to the surface but today they remained just below, shoved down by the excitement that pushed a sudden dose of adrenaline through her veins. She was once more practically vibrating with excitement, and maybe thats why she didn't take much not to him telling her that she shouldn't be in the packlands. "Yeah! I'll catch us some bunnies to eat!" She was excited now, wanting to show him that she could take care of herself and him if needed. Though she wasn't knowingly pushing the idea of him becoming a rouge with her somewhere in her subconscious she still was.

She was about to say something more when his next words came out and she paused for a moment in her wiggling and simply stared. He didn't want to share her? A slow, sheepish smile slid across her features and she cast a bashful gaze to the ground... "I don't want to share you either..." She said softly, her words barely audible as she shuffled her forepaws, a now huge smile spreading over her features though she tried to hide it now. A giggle bubbled up her throat before she bit her lip to cut it off. Why was she suddenly so shy? She didn't know but she shook herself and tried to control the emotions of joy suddenly running through her. She hopped joyfully to his side and bumped her shoulder to his lightly. "Come on, my little home away from home is only a little ways away...." She said, eager to show him her home. She had made it under a large tree that was half fallen on the other side of the wall. There was a break in the wall not far from where they were that they could cross without having to hop and then a short walk from there was her tree and den that lay underneath it's tangle of roots. She gave a motion of her head for him to follow before starting off, staying close but slightly ahead to lead the way.

ooc;; feel free to have them end up at the tree in your post <3
