
Uh... Ow?



Master Healer (256)

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3 Years
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1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
11-03-2023, 07:12 PM

All he could feel was pain. Crux was struggling to keep himself focused when the only thing he wanted to do was cry out in pain. Vaguely he realized he'd gone too far south. He'd woken up screaming in the Red Forest, exactly two things running through his mind. The first being that he was sure he'd irreparably damaged his vocal chords, ignore the fact he'd been yelling in pain. The second had been that he had to get home, he needed help! He could just barely see the bottom of a nasty burn scar on his throat he had no idea how bad it was, but it sure felt like his whole damn neck had been set on fire. Riya hadn't been with him and so he was dealing with this alone. He needed help! But turned out it was much harder to navigate when the only thing your mind can think of is how much pain your body is in. Whole landmarks had passed him without so much as registering and now he stood unsteadily on familiar ground, familiar but wrong.  When he'd last been here he'd been fresh from dropping Cryptis off... He'd been trying to get answers from his brother. Another crisis and he was here again, but this time it was just him, no one else to worry about. No one to worry about.

Oh now his brain wanted to split its focus? Crux felt suddenly very aware of how close to Insomnia he was, and as he felt the pain in his own throat some ridiculous part of him wondered if they'd been able to help Triss get her voice back. Always worried about someone else. But survival was strong, it told him he needed to turn himself around and get himself home. But well the rest of him had other plans, the pain was blinding and he was so tired. Crux hadn't exactly recovered from the flood, too busy putting everything on his own shoulders and his body was now seizing its chance to force him to rest. Panic flashed through his quickly fading consciousness, he needed help! His voice lifted into a shrill howl, unconsciously defaulting to the last wolf he'd had a real proper thought of. He was too busy getting knocked out to consider the optics of publicly calling for a certain Insomnia wolf. He couldn't know that Medusa had forbid her wolves from interacting with Armada wolves, couldn't know that even in the sweet painless void of unconsciousness he was probably only making things worse. So talented at it he could even do it while passed the fuck out.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.

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1. Uh... Ow? Veteran's Plateau 07:12 PM, 11-03-2023 01:17 PM, 03-08-2024