
Just a little wine




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-04-2023, 12:50 AM

Avacyn had her dark gaze turned down and away from Scylla as she finished bearing her guilt and inadequacies to the smaller Klein woman so she was oblivious to Scylla's paw reaching out to her foreleg until she had already been hooked in the other woman's grasp. She gasped as she was suddenly pulled off of her paws, the surprise and loss of balance making it impossible for her to catch herself before she went toppling to the ground, landing on her back with a thud that nearly nocked the air out of her lungs. Blinking up at the sky and panting lightly from the sudden rush of adrenaline after having the world spin around her in an instant, her vision was suddenly filled with Scylla's gray and blue gaze and her alcohol riddled mind finally caught up with the fact that Scylla had not only brought her to the ground but was now pinning her to the ground and straddling her waist. The realization made heat rush to her face, but whether it was from how Scylla's form was pressing into her own or the embarrassment from being downed by her so easily she wasn't sure.

At the growled words insisting that she had heard enough and summarized this whole issue down to the fact that they each loved their bothers, Ava gave a small nod in response, her breath caught in her chest as she waited to see if Scylla was about to further her attack and turn this into a full blown fight to get out their differences or if she was going to get off of her and send her away. What happened instead sent her reeling as Scylla's lips suddenly crushed to hers in a hard kiss, pulling a squeaking sound of surprise from her and making her obsidian eyes go wide in shock. She tasted Scylla on her tongue in among the lingering taste of wine on their tongues and felt her body laying across hers in a whole new way, intensifying the heat that burned across her cheeks. She was certainly no stranger to intimacy, but she had never been close to being like this with another woman before or even really considered it. Obviously the wine was doing far more than just making Scylla emotional, but she had still never expected this kind of turn of events.

Ava was sure the shock and confused desire was still written clearly across her face when Scylla's unusual paws held the sides of her face and forced their eyes to lock once more, still feeling breathless and off balance–physically and mentally. The option was given to her to leave now and what would happen if she didn't. For a moment she was pulled out of her own internal confusion and conflict as she was presented with another unexpected revelation. Scylla and Saracyn and been together. This was certainly news to her and made her wonder how that came to be, but luckily she didn't have much opportunity to really dwell on it given the position she was currently in. She felt like it was obvious that neither of them were in a particularly clear state of mind and likely shouldn't be jumping into something in such a turbulent state of emotions... but she didn't want to leave. There was a spark and a spreading heat that she probably would have denied and shied away from if Scylla hadn't brought it upon her so suddenly, but in her inebriated state it was easy to want it and to give into it. She caught Scylla's lower lip lightly between her teeth as her lips brushed against her own and she purred simply in response, "Fuck me then."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Just a little wine Firefly Lake 03:45 PM, 05-23-2023 11:10 AM, 03-19-2024