
May All The Demons of Hell Protect You



11-04-2023, 01:36 AM

It saddened the man to see just how little faith his sister had in herself. He saw so very much value in her and she thought that she was the lowest of the low. Mistral attributed it to the way that they were raised as well as the abuse that she went through, but he hoped that, in time, she would see what he saw. What he had always seen. Cierzo was his world.

The rose petal fae declared herself a burden to him and Mistral scoffed, a soft growl rumbling in his chest. "You never have been, and you never will be, a burden. Not to me and not to anyone that truly knows you." He could feel her stiffen beside him and tried to comfort her further by nuzzling into her hip. The abuse inflicted by her intended would forever be a stain on her; a black spot in her mind. It hadn't been her fault, but, being raised and molded as she had been, it was understandable why she thought that way. Mistral wanted nothing more than to break her from that sort of thinking. To him, Cierzo could do no wrong. She was an innocent in all of this. An angel. His angel.

Again she brought up the past. If she had done this, then maybe this... He had enough. Muck or no muck, she needed comfort and he would provide. At least it was mostly dry. Rising to his paws, Mistral stepped onto the fur and curled his massive body around her diminutive frame. One thick foreleg draped over the dainty woman and he pulled her in against his chest. His nose found the soft spot right behind her ear and he spoke softly, gently. "None of it was your fault." He had to remind her every day and he would continue to do so until she believed it.


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1. May All The Demons of Hell Protect You Corpseghoul Swamplands 07:27 PM, 10-16-2023 03:26 AM, 02-13-2024