
This place is strange



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2 Years
11-04-2023, 03:42 AM

It seemed as if her sneaking was working! The worm had yet to notice the woman basically crawling from ice shard to ice shard when suddenly everything was shaking and the ice shattered. Oh shit. The only thing she knew to do was to tuck herself as small as she was and close her eyes tightly, anticipating the sharp pain that the ice shards flying towards her would cause. But everything suddenly went back and no pain that she was aware of pierced her.

When she woke up next, she was by the lake she had originally followed the wolf to. She blinked, viciously aware of the pain and cold that her body was in. Was she dead? Is this what death was like? Why had she let herself do something to careless and stupid like that. As her tired eyes looked around her, she noticed the familiar form kneel beside her, taking care of her wounds. She wanted to thank the strange wolf, but somehow she couldn't speak. It was only when her eyes started to focus that she realized that this strange form was made of... were those fireflies? What was going on? Confusion enveloped her, but somewhere, deep in her mind, she knew she would be okay. Whatever that meant. She closed her eyes once again, wishing she was back on that silver island that she had decidedly called home lately. She never should have left it. But when she opened her eyes again, she was there. Hearing the water lap at the sandy shore and the birds chirping. It was the familiar smell that told her that she wasn't crazy.

Her forehead hurt badly, and she knew that there was a wound there, most likely from the shards of ice. She shook her head gently, not knowing what would come next.

She speaks

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1. This place is strange Glowshroom Cavern 09:58 AM, 10-25-2023 03:44 PM, 06-10-2024