
Chewed up and Spat Out



Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
11-04-2023, 06:29 AM

The tears that she had tried so hard to keep at bay came gushing forth the moment that Sid saw her dad racing towards her. As Gil threw himself down in front of her, the tiny pups voice quivered. "Daddy..." Sid wasn't one to cry, so the ordeal that she'd gone through had really shaken her up. Despite the pain from the long gash in her foreleg and the burn on her hind leg, the girl threw herself against her father's chest and wept.

As she knew he would, Gil asked what had happened. Still clinging tightly to her father, her safe place, Sid tried to speak clearly. "I...I don't knoooowwww..." Sniffle sniffle. "I had a dream that I was in a big volcano and I had to find the way out. The lava burned me and at the end, I..." her throat squeezed tight, her words coming out in a quiet squeak. "I died." The little girl buried her face in her father's fur, effectively soaking him with her tears, but she didn't care. After what she'd gone through, she needed the comfort.

"I thought it was a dream, dad." Siduri pulled back enough to show Gilgamesh the bloody gash on her right front leg and a horrible burn that takes up almost the entirety of her back left leg. "But when I woke up, it still hurt." There was a slightly manic expression in the little girl's wide eyes. "There was a guy at the end. He was wearing a long cloak thing and his face was made of lightning bugs." To Sid, her father was god. He had all of the answers. He could make everything better. "What happened to me?" she pleaded.


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1. Chewed up and Spat Out Dove Island Archipelago 07:49 AM, 11-03-2023 12:07 PM, 03-07-2024