
Sleeping Beauty



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-04-2023, 01:55 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2023, 08:20 PM by Rogue. Edited 1 time in total.)

The young woman he'd stumbled upon looked surprised by his sudden appearance, then delighted as she looked at him across the space between them. Rogue noted how her bright blue eyes moved over him, seemingly captivated by his coat, and the prince ate up the attention like a glutton at a buffet. Yeeeeeah, Rogue knew he was a looker. He had all the best bits of his mom and dad to thank for that, and with that confidence he grinned back at the stranger. Confident, but not vain. The smile of a young brute who was sure of himself and his place in the world.

The stranger introduced herself as Raka and motioned for him to come closer. Well, Rogue wasn't about to pass up the chance to admire this rare beauty up close! Stepping his way through the curtain of willow fronds, Rogue brought the rest of his form to bear. He was just slightly taller than she was, having inherited his sire's height, and as he approached the age of maturity, his lean adolescent form had begun to fill out with toned muscles into an athletic masculine shape, looking right in that space between teen and adult. She offered him some of her meal, and though he wasn't all that hungry, he still gratefully accepted a nibble, just as his mother had taught him to be polite. "Don't mind if I do," he replied, moving over to lay down near her so the two of them were perpendicular around the rabbit, Raka to his left side. He took whatever pieces she offered him, not wanting to just help himself to her dinner.

Now up close to the lady, Rogue could easily distinguish all the overlapping shades of gold that ran through her magnificent coat. If he was cloaked in the night sky, then she was a brilliant dawn or sunset, her fur practically ablaze with fiery colors. But more interesting to him was the pair of horns that adorned her crown. Mutations such as these were not rarities in his family—his own scruff quills and diamond claws were proof of that—but he'd never seen horns quite like hers before! "Nice to meet you, Raka. I'm Rogue. Rogue Kline," he introduced himself to Raka, giving her a lopsided smile akin to the one his father usually wore. Would she be familiar with his family name and recognize where he had come from? Finding out who knew who he was was always a fun guessing game for the lad. Anonymity sometimes was an unexpected delight.

His sunset amethyst eyes did their best to stay up on her cerulean jewels and face, but he'd be lying if he said she wasn't very pretty and quite enjoyable to look at. The temptation to keep looking her over and admiring her was ever present. "Your horns are lovely! I've never seen anyone else decorate theirs so ornately." His eyes followed the gold bands around her horns, down to the precious stones that dangled from each band.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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