
Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast]

Replies due Oct. 13th!



Expert Hunter (165)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra large
11-04-2023, 05:11 PM

Her mother was amazing! Morticia knew her mother worked hard, and the fact that she had done all of this for her pack was phenomenal. Setting in with some food, Morticia began to munch as her mother started to speak. She had no idea how long the meeting would be, but if her mother was comfortable on her throne of bones then she would be too! Her mother recognized the effort that the pack had put in though, and for that she was happy. Morticia didn’t want their stuff taken, but the pack had done their best to defend what was theirs from the wolves that came to take it. Her mother was proud of them for that, and Morticia was too. Her tail wagged behind her and a grin appeared on her face as she continued to pull off bits of meat and slurp them down.

First up were promotions, for the ranks that Morticia really hadn’t paid a bunch of attention to. In Morticia’s eyes the fancy names weren’t too important, she just wanted to do what she could and hoped that everyone else would do the same. In time her mothers attention flickered to her and Cricket, and Morticia paused eating as Medusa addressed them. She definitely wasn’t a fighter by any means, but she had done her best. The way her mother presented the fact that hunting was important too, and could be just as dangerous as fighting made Morticia’s chest swell with pride. “Insomnia will do better next time, and be better at what Insomnia is best at!” No matter their ranks, they would all grow and develop their skills, right? And lots of them were being promoted, so she could only assume they did their best.

There were mentors given, and of course her mentor was her mother. Her mother knew the most about hunting, at least in Morticia’s opinion, and she was happy to get to learn from her! There were also mentions of things to come, like a festival when it got warm. Morticia’s eyes lit up, and eagerly she would chime in. “Morticia will help Medusa with food next time!” And also check out the weird board by her mother’s den. She wasn’t sure what she would find there, but she’d try to do what she could. There was also talk of raiding, and Morticia’s ears lowered at that. If they were fighting again, she wanted to learn how to fight better. The big man’s legs had something on it that had really hurt her stomach!

Medusa would continue and Morticia realized by her words she shouldn’t have grabbed some food and started eating already. Whoopsies! Her head tilted to the side, a thoughtful look on her face. There were other packs, those who were friends… and those who weren’t. “Can Medusa show Morticia later what packs Medusa means? Morticia isn’t sure which packs are good or bad.” She didn’t really know what packs she was talking about. She didn’t really get out of the packlands much, and she didn’t want to talk with those that weren’t their friends and make her mom upset. There were those from the castle pack, Arma… something pack, and Recluse’s family pack… but where were they? What did they smell like? She hadn’t even been born when they made their stances against her mother.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Mortica has two companions - An indigo bunting and a Mexican milk snake. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast] Dancefloor of the Gods 12:04 AM, 10-03-2023 01:58 PM, 02-01-2024