
Sleeping Beauty



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
11-04-2023, 08:20 PM

Raka offered him half of her rabbit, a much more generous offer than he was expecting, and Rogue took it graciously, tucking into the sweet meat of fresh game. He hadn't been planning to deprive her of half her meal. He would have to be sure to help her hunt for another before they parted ways; it was only the polite thing to do. Plus it'd mean he'd get the chance to show off to the pretty girl. When he introduced himself, Raka responded in a way that confirmed she had no idea who the heck he was. That was a kind of nice change of pace. He was so used to everyone he met either knowing Ashen or the Kleins. Judging by the lack of a pack scent on her, Rogue deduced that she likely didn't have much in the way of knowledge of the packs of Boreas. That would explain why he was a stranger to her. It also meant he wouldn't have to worry about being diplomatic or anything formal with her.

"The pleasure's all mine, Raka," replied Rogue after swallowing a bite of meat, flashing a charming smile her way as he unintentionally (or maybe a little intentionally) let his flirty side out to play. Prompted by his query, Raka turned her head to tilt her right horn towards him to show off her jewelry. Rogue didn't hesitate to lift a large paw to catch the two swaying gemstones carefully so he could inspect them closer. One was a bright blue jewel that looked just like her eyes. The second was a monochrome stone, looking perhaps to be jet or melanite. Raka explained how she collected stories, and each stone represented a particular story. Now that was a fascinating concept to the young prince! As a lover of stories of all sorts, she had his curiosity, but now she also had his attention.

There was a slight pause in his response as he looked back to her eyes, amethyst meeting aqua as he studied the gleam of mischief in her gaze as she posed a trade—a story for a cost. That cost remained to be seen, but whatever it was, Rogue doubted it would be one he couldn't afford. So self-assured, the brute was. A sly grin pulled up the corner of his mouth into an endearing crooked smile, meeting her mischievous mood with his own. "These must be some stories then... All right, Raka, it's a deal." He dropped his paw to free both stones, then tapped the blue one with one digit. "What's the blue one's story?" He shifted his body to face hers better, rolling on his side to give her his full attention as he waited with rapt interest to hear her tales.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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