
a sun that never sets

Bronze i


12 Years
11-06-2013, 10:32 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2013, 10:35 AM by Bronze i.)

His children were perfect -- completely flawless. They were all developing very distinct personalities and he felt as though they complimented each other so well. Ara was sweet and quiet, with a heart of gold; Jendai was small but fierce, and he did not doubt she would develop a fiery temper not unlike his own; Mercury was devoted and passionate, and Bronze saw so much of himself in that dark-furred boy; and Faolan was a true gentleman, a loving and proud young boy. And as he watched Jendai stumble backward, he knew then that he had succeeded in life. Despite his regrets and his plentiful shortcomings, he knew he had done his best given his circumstances. He knew then, too, that he would not see another winter with his small, fiery daughter and that he needed to embrace his time with her as much as he could. A serious conversation would have to be had soon, and he wondered if he should shed some light for them on his past life. They had never pried, they were still so innocent and pure -- but someday they would wonder what he had been life before his children were born. He had told them that he and Silent had been together since they were children, a true fairytale romance, but the in-between was explained vaguely; they had lost one another, and had been reunited.

His pleased expression only faltered for a moment, but soon he felt Jendai slide under his chest and aim for his back right leg. It was gentle but firm enough that he couldn't simply slide out from her grasp, and he stumbled slightly as he tried to move away from her by heading forward. "Perfect," he noted with a chuckle. "Bites to legs are good at breaking down defenses. When a wolf has your leg you're much more likely to stumble and fall."

It was a brief lesson, but a good one; though he suddenly found himself wanted to play more than teach her how to fight. The man's mind had wandered and it showed as he swung around and roughly nudged his daughter, trying to send her sprawling into the snow. Play-wrestling certain was useful training for fighting, after all.