Of course, she had company! Lefty grinned fondly down at Wylan, who was -- well, he was getting big for his age! They watched the boy try to catch the lights, and even played along, tilting the prism just a little so lights would vanish as he caught them, to make them look like they'd truly gone away. Make him think he'd caught them, you know? Nothing wrong with letting a kid have a fun time like that.
"It is pretty great," Lefty admits, with a low, buzzing laugh. Charlie approaches them, and Lefty watches the young man with a quirked ear. "I'm certain I will, Charlie! I've not thrown a party like this for some time." They'd not really been part of making such things happen back home, but here in Armada, things were different. Lefty heard Wylan just-- well, Wylan answered the young man's question. "Lefty, like Wylan said."
She laughed-- as Lefty laughed, Storm-Eye landed on their shoulder and began to pick at blue fur, fussing over the wolf who he partnered to. "We are friends, yes-- I taught him about metaphor and guts, and as you can imagine, he's quite the eager student." There's a flash of her teeth, playful. "I promised him I'd make him a blade. Wylan-- show Charlie the wooden sword?"