
Marvelous misadventure

Halloween event 2023


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
11-05-2023, 09:20 PM

Trusting in his paws, Artorias began to carefully navigate the dilapidated tunnel. When he had made it partway across, he motioned back for his guide to follow his footsteps, knowing that if his route was safe then she would be safe as well. It took time, but eventually both wolves made it across safely and in one piece. Along the way, Art had noticed another bag, this one tied up in a lovely ribbon, looking like a carefully wrapped present. He snatched that one up to add to his slowly growing collection.

On the other side of the tunnel, the cave opened up into a spacious chamber where a destroyed shrine sat alone and forgotten. Artorias gazed at the old ruins, looking about in awe of the splendor that had been lost to time beneath the ice. Ever an adventurer at heart, this was a fantastic discovery for the Carpathian! "Incredible...!" After taking some time to marvel at the sights before him, Art continued to look about for an exit to the ice cave they were trapped in. He spotted an opening in the wall, and through that was a room filled with sharp ice shard jutting out of more arctic water. On the other side, a glimmer of daylight. Freedom.

The entire room looked treacherous, so caution would be needed to get through. Considering his options for a moment, Artorias decided to once more trust in his agility and the nimbleness of his experienced navigator's paws. Maybe once he got to the other side, he'd be able to find a safer path for the guide to get to him—not that she'd had any trouble keeping up with him so far. "I'm going to try something stupid, and if I don't make it, will you go back to where we met and tell my family what happened to me?" he asked the silent guide, looking back at her as he spoke. Artorias didn't want his family to worry over his disappearance if he was never coming home. His request made, Artorias steadied his nerves with a deep breath, then ran forward to the edge of the floor and jumped, aiming to spring back and forth across the flattest edges of the ice spikes like platforms. Gods bless his paws...


"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

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1. Marvelous misadventure Wildberry Grove 06:57 PM, 10-20-2023 08:28 AM, 04-05-2024