
everything falls



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-06-2013, 01:13 PM
Epiphron and Maverick

Epiphron wondered if, perhaps, they had another litter because they were simple destined to. Because it was something that had to be done. She wasn't sure if she believed in fate, but lately it seemed like there was certainly something much larger than them both acting upon them in ways they had little control over. She couldn't help but worry -- even if the thought was short-lived and fleeting -- if one of them might soon be in danger, so dire that the universe thought it necessary that they have more children to live out their legacy. It was a silly thought, and while she thought it was likely more chance than anything, it was too remarkable to not consider other possibilities.

It was not the best time for children to be born, the winter. It would be a cold and a harsh season, and many children did not survive it. As selfish it might be, she was not terribly worried -- she was a Queen and would not let her children go hungry, even if at the expense of another.

But the topic shifted, and she couldn't help but feel thankful that it did. Rumor had it that Bronze and Themisto had been taken by Glaciem during the war, and Pontifex had yet to return. A sigh left her lips. She had expected this; they would've returned by now. She'd heard nothing from Valhalla, and the silence was growing eerie. "As I expected," she said quietly. What would happen now if Seracia was threatened? The three were arguably Seracia's best chance at defending their borders -- besides perhaps Maverick and a select other few -- and she couldn't help but feel vulnerable and, like him, afraid. Quietly she slipped forward to embrace him, a soft whine falling from her lips. "I am too," she admitted softly. It was a raw moment for the two of them -- the King and the Queen seemed strong outwardly, but nobody knew just how fragile they were right now. "What if they never return?" she inquired gently, a hypothetical question. "I cannot handle telling Silent and her children that their father is gone." But that wouldn't be a conversation quite yet. She would be honest and tell her that no news had came from Seracia, and Epiphron would not allow anyone to travel so far. What if, by some chance event, Glaciem had conquered the entire pack? The possibilities were endless and she felt terrified at how little knowledge she possessed. "I can only hope that either Syrinx or Chrysanthe come soon, or bring a messenger..." It was the least they could do, after all... Quietly she would lap at his face as she pulled back to watch him, not wanting him to feel so down, though they both had good reason to feel downtrodden.