
Kicking Up Seaspray



11-06-2013, 04:02 PM

Maybe it was his voice dropping to a sibilant whisper that keyed her in that something was up, but when he began to circle, her hackles rose along her spine. "I don't think I need to belong to anybody," she replied, going stone still but tensing up as if she was about to bite. When he propositioned her, all that came out was a choked noise of disgust and disbelief. "Excuse me?" she demanded. "I just escaped one pair of shackles, I'm not about to take on another." She held her tail high, crinkling her muzzle at him to expose her teeth as he drew closer. "That's close enough." she said in a tone of quiet threat. "I think you need to leave." Half of her attitude was bluff, of course. She wasn't a good fighter, and while she felt she could hold her own for a while, if it came to a fight she would be more interested in trying to squirm free and head for the hills.

(It'd certainly make for a fun plot xD Although she's done a lot after this particular thread was posted, so I think her timeline would get jumbled up. She's also got a thread with Isardis and we know what he's like (although Yumpy hasn't posted yet due to being busy) so I don't know if he'll invite/claim her to Glaciem. If you do want to do this plot though, we could probably sort it out.)"Speech"