
The Art of Murder [Cifer]



03-10-2013, 02:11 AM

What brought him here to this bloody wasteland. He was aging quickly. The man was exiting his prime and was beginning to enter his elder years. He was still an impressive creature. An astounding display of strength and beauty. Very few scars dotted his frame. The ones that did were grotesque and an uneasy sight. A piece of his lip was missing from where the demon had ripped it away from his teeth. Scars laces his back, yet they were covered by his thick winter fur. A large scar could be clearly made out from where he'd been bitten on the shoulder. You could even see fresh scars from where burning ash from the volcano had hit him.

If you could look past it you would see a coat whiter than untouched snow. Black markings as dark as a night with no moon or stars. Lastly you'd see a trail of emerald tears running down his face. He was muscular and even with his thick coat you could see the well conditioned muscles that came from constant training and running through harsh snowy climates. He was the epitome of silent beauty. A stoic warrior that was pure of heart.

A white figure loomed above him casting a shadow as its wings beat silently. His snowy owl was as faithful as ever. Shificora hadn't left his side since he'd found him after the demon ripped him apart. Shificora had already seen the disgusting creature ahead. A soft screech came from his beak in a warning to Cifer.

Cifer looked up at his green eyed companion and nodded his thanks. The scent of blood permeated his nostrils. It was all he'd been able to smell for a while. Banshee smelled no different than the cursed battlefield he trotted on now. He was thankful for his friend.

That voice. It made his blood boil over again. He hated that vermin more than he did the demon. The rodent had used Asheni against him. He was forced to stand at attention and take any damage Banshee gave him or else the vile creature would have let her bleed out from the throat. He'd never forgive either of them.

Perhaps that was why he was here. Fate had drug the two canines together for another battle. This time there was nothing in their way. This would be a fair fight and Cifer was determined to make his mark.

"It seems I get the chance to rip you both to shreds" He said, a growl in his voice. His eyes were liquid green fire as he stared upon both creatures with contempt. If looks could kill they would both surely fall to the ground and scream in agony as they died a slow painful death.

Shificora landed on his shoulders. He no longer noticed as talons gripped tightly into his skin. His fur made up for most of it. The bird would leave as soon as the battle started. Emerald eyes stared upon the rat. If it tried anything the white owl would have no qualms attacking it. It was, after all, his natural prey if given the chance to catch one.

Cifer stood boldly with his head and tail high. It would soon change was the battle started. For now he had no problem displaying the pride he felt. Vengeance was a glorious thing. An eye for an eye. Karma was a bitch. He had no problems delivering that to her either. He'd rip her limb from limb and enjoy every second of it for all the pain she and the despicable rodent had put Asheni through. He refused to allow it anymore.
