
I Live. You Learn.



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
11-07-2023, 05:01 PM
Cierzo was on the hunt for something small, a rabbit or some other morsel to bring back to Mistral; she wanted to prove to him that she could do it… the only problem being that she was a pretty bad tracker. She was having awful luck as well, not a hare in sight anywhere. But she had stumbled across a rather lovely little landscape. A beautiful little valley full of flowers and herbs. She could see a few she recognized from basic memory, but many others she had zero clue about. What did they do? What could they heal? How could they be applied? Her questions remained in her head, unanswered as she passed by both familiar and unfamiliar specimens… until she was frozen by a voice. She hadn’t realized she was in the proximity of a stranger; and she was about to turn tail and flit back to Es in the swamp lands- but the voice rang out again. It sounded like an older woman, and what? Someone was going to sit on who? What sort of threat was that? She had never heard something like that before.

Carefully she peered around a congregation of bushes, blue eyes wide as she witnessed something quite strange indeed. There was a small, old woman; her attention focused on rummaging through a bag of what smelled medicinal… and a small caribou with a long laceration running down a leg. Confusion furrowed her brows, for she had never seen a caribou so small. It couldn’t have been a baby, where was it’s herd? Cierzo was hesitant, intensely so, but she was sure if she needed him Mistral would come if she only yelled... So she tried to ease her mind with that logic and take action to assist. She daintily stepped out from her cover, eyes flickering up and down as she was not sure if eye contact would be allowed. “U-um, hello..?” Gently her tones came, a concerned edge found within.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.

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1. I Live. You Learn. Fern Gulley 01:52 AM, 11-04-2023 03:27 AM, 02-13-2024