
Reindeer herder / Jarvela adopts — OPEN


11-07-2023, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2023, 07:28 PM by SailyntSteps. Edited 5 times in total.)
[Image: IMG_3938.webp?ex=655d46c7&is=654ad1c7&hm...88334d81d&]

Name: Euli (Li, Eul {You-le}, Lavender)

Gender: CisFemale

Age: 2 Yrs

Season of Birth: Spring

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance: Dusted in the mountain’s grey pigment, Euli is a beauty amongst the Jarvela. She is quite large for her size. Standing at a full 42” from the ground, her body is an average build. Though muscled and toned from the few years of working out and hunting. Various areas hold a darker shades to brush across lighter areas. This giving her the ability to hide well within the shadowed spaces. Leaving not but an inkling of silver eyes to reflect back like two moon rays. White in their different colorations.

Back paws, ears, belly and certain spots on Euli’s body give off a gloomy tinge. Neither fully white nor extremely pale. It is quite unique for others; however, normal amongst her family. Red, a shade of fresh raspberries, paint markings throughout the gloomy cloud female. Her scent wafts out a mixture of rain and lavender.

A very odd smell for one who lives in the depths of the mountains. Caring for the herd of deer that have settled there. Euli’s vocals are soft in tone. Loud enough to sound like a melody of an oncoming rain. It does not speak over a certain volume. Even when upset, her  voice rises to nothing more but a few octaves. Enough to pierce the ears of those that stand nearby of her emotions.

Personality: Born in the very peak of Spring, when the first bloom of flowers began to expose their petals, Euli gave her first breath.

Euli is a sweet female of gentle lavender. A peaceful wolf who prefers the life of comfort and structure. Any who dares to interrupt that are soon met with teeth and claw. Fighting being a last result after words of sternness are spoken. This being in hopes that the one who’s on the receiving in will take heed.

The Jarvela woman walks with grace. Her steps placed with precision and pose. She is a perfect huntress. Light on her paws and unheard of when stalking prey. Occasionally she will feast on a random hare or fish; however, Euli prefers the flesh of Reindeer. Their essence providing the blessings to keep her alive and well. Following the heard like a shadow. She never strays too far from them. Praying over each kill she makes to ensure they do not go unnoticed by the earth.

She is very deep into the religion breathed into her soul. The Sami Shamanism is one she follows faithfully. There is nothing that will deter her from such teachings. Which is why she chooses to remain in solitude. Others do not see how she thinks. Euli feels as if they are blind to the truth and feels a ping of sadness for them. Those that are willing to learn, she tests their loyalty first. Before allowing any into the her world.

Because of this, Euli is open to the ways of love. There is no gender that goes unnoticed under her watchful gaze. As long as they can accept her for what and who she is, she will be acceptable to their advances. Believing that love has no limits. The Javerla woman does not turn her attention away from having more than one partner. Only exception, she will allow only one female to take place by her side. Leading males to plentiful as potential husbands.

There are rituals she has created in order to fully appreciate both nature, herself and her religion. These three must be taken place before anything else is to happen. This includes mating, marriage, and feasting. All and all, Euli is a true Jarvela wolf.