
The boys are back in town



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
11-07-2023, 06:30 PM

With the return of Aliana's eldest boys back to Boreas, Revenant's first order of business was to head back to Ashen where their parents had been staying. He and Morendo had been off on their own for some time now, getting into all sorts of hijinks along the way. They'd crossed paths with a few of their other adult siblings from time to time, Rusalka and Quill notably. Maybe they had made their way back home too, but he supposed time would tell. Walking the familiar arid lands that led to the northernmost Ashen territory, Revenant paused at the border just long enough to announce his and Morendo's arrival. Aunt Venom knew them and would never turn them away from a visit, so he saw no reason to slow down or stop his entrance. Crossing right over the border as if he owned it, Revenant strode with the bravado of a prince around the canyon, following his nose to track down whatever cave system Chimera and Aliana had picked for themselves. He didn't bother to look back at Morendo as they walked, knowing his brother would be right at his side every step of the way without needing to check.

Revenant's tracking eventually led him to the spacious caves the Kleins had acquired as their home. A lopsided smirk touched the dire brute's lips; he was genuinely happy to be back home. Seeing his parents would do him some good. Sure, he had plenty of fun living life his way out in the wild lands, but there was a simple pleasure about being back home that you just couldn't beat—or at least, as close to home as they could get. Fenmyre was just ashes and memories now, never to rise again. Revenant had lost a small bit of respect for his sire for that loss. At the very least, they were back amongst their family's empire, where their name and affluence meant something. Rev was already eager to start reaping the rewards of being born a Klein.

Entering into the caves, Revenant led the way following Aliana's scent to find whatever dens they had taken up in. "Oh, mother! Your favorite boys are back!" he called out into the cave, a proud grin on his face as he stepped around a bend and into the bedchambers his parents shared. The sight that greeted him was... not what he had expected. Now in the room, the scents of newborn pups hit his nose full force, and on the expansive bed of furs, there laid a bedraggled Aliana with a veritable pile of puppies around her. Revenant froze mid-stride, multi toned eyes blinking rapidly as he took in the sight. Oh look, there was more pups now. Clearly their parents had been busy in their absence... "Fucking hell, Mom. Was seven not enough for you?" An awkward chuckle escaped the dark-furred brute as he made his way closer to Aliana and the pups with apprehension slowing his steps. Suddenly this homecoming felt more like a surprise for him than the other way around...


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1. The boys are back in town Redwater Rocks 06:30 PM, 11-07-2023 03:37 AM, 02-13-2024