
May All The Demons of Hell Protect You



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

4 Years
11-07-2023, 07:10 PM
Not to anyone that truly knows you. Oh, but Mistral. No one knows her. Only you. That’s the way it has always been. Cierzo repressed a sob, her teeth nearly cracking with the force that she used to keep him from hearing any more of her sorrow. It wasn’t fair to him. He had saved her, despite her shortcomings. Because of her failure. Stupid girl. Stupid fool. Stupid, stupid, s t u p i d. The echoing self-hatred tormented her, and she could have sworn she could hear their father’s voice, her bethrothed’s voice too- thrown into the mix somewhere- like a whisper becoming more and more prominent. But it all melted away, those intrusive thoughts faded with only a touch from her protector; her dear Es.

His giant form wrapped around her like a blanket- no. Like a wall between her and the rest of the world. Cierzo was shielded, a flood of relief instantaneously running through her delicate frame. Her cheek pressed against his chest now she breathed in his scent and the comfort in turn also invaded her lungs pleasantly. ‘None of it was your fault.’, his voice was soft and gentle, the way it only changed for her. Cie took many calming breaths, the tremble she’d developed when she was about to vomit subsiding slowly. The bile receded back to her gut, and she was able to open her mouth again to whisper a faint thanks. The blush woman could not muster any more vocabulary however, and instead placed a dainty paw up by her nose to rest against his chest and return the embrace as best she could given the size difference.

For many minutes she did not wish to be released back into the world, but regretfully she could not control the sudden rumble from her stomach that loudly interrupted the silence. “Oh!” A blush flushed her cheeks, embarrassment shooting up her spine as she tried and initially failed to free herself from his huge paw holding her close.


Cierzo is a mature character for good reason, expect the worst.
Do not read if sensitive topics disturb you.

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1. May All The Demons of Hell Protect You Corpseghoul Swamplands 07:27 PM, 10-16-2023 03:26 AM, 02-13-2024