
Headstrong into the Storm



5 Years
11-06-2013, 04:50 PM

Novella herself had been incredibly eager to explore not all that long ago. She certainly wouldn't suggest that her niece travel as far as she had, in fact just the surrounding areas of Ludicael and back again was more than enough. Selfishly she didn't want to lose her Fal'Dara when she had only just met her though mostly, although Novella too had once argued against it, Fal'Dara simply wasn't old enough to leave just yet. She understood it now at least, though knew full well it was a difficult concept for a pup to grasp.

Perhaps there was no need to worry about Fal'Dara wanting to wander too far away, though Novella had no idea how confident the girl actually was. At that age, she had far more confidence than she ought to have, even now she didn't realise how much her antics and adventures had probably and likely still continued to trouble her parents. Whilst she was beginning to understand the importance of looking after younger wolves, a lesson strangely that was partially taught through caring for her elder brother as well, she probably wouldn't understand everything until the day she had pups of her own, should it ever come along. For now such a thought certainly hadn't crossed her mind though she so far had taken quite the liking to her nieces and nephew.

Of course it seemed rather ridiculous really not to know her niece's name, though Fal'Dara of course hadn't know her aunt's if they wished to delve into a petty argument. Neither had met though, it was in some ways understandable that the introduction was needed, though fortunately it wasn't an issue that arose, the young girl simply answered with her name and they were left to continue with their little adventure.

"What's the prettiest thing in the world?" The question took Novella by surprise. For starters she had never considered what could be the prettiest thing in the world, just eager on exploring rather than actually admiring the beauty it had to offer. Some things certainly had been wonderful sights, but even now found she couldn't think of even an example to answer the question. "I'm not sure." She replied truthfully after a moment. She supposed it depended on the individual to some extent. She had been called pretty before, in fact even by Fal'Dara's sister Lakota and yet she probably wouldn't describe herself with that word. "Shall we see if we can find something pretty now?" To find the prettiest thing in the world would probably take a fair amount of time, for now perhaps something pretty would have to do.