
Reindeer herder / Jarvela adopts — OPEN


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
11-07-2023, 08:02 PM
Name: Isto
Gender: Male
Season of Birth: Autumn
Isto is the opposite of lithe. His mother was a Karelian Bear Dog and his father a wolf from the group related to Jarvelas. His face is more akin to a wolf with slightly longer legs, but the stout nature and curled tail give away his other canine lineage. A bundle of muscle and fur, he is bulky. Stocky with a short stature, he is far from tall or lean. This doesn't bother him. He is powerful. Packing a punch, one can tell from the scars that litter his body. Marring the chocolate and warm hues, he cares not for beauty. The beauty he holds is the past he has made. Scattered over his pelt, among the scars, are what some might call brindling, but rather they are mere patches of white. At least to him, they are. Perhaps the most interesting part of Isto is the eyes that sit on his wide face. Two pools of sticky honey often hold a piercing gaze that could cut even diamonds.
He who struggles with God.
Isto is by far not the most outrageous of Jarvela. He is unpredictable and follows his own rules. A wistful wanderer that doesn't linger in one place for too long. A bundle of commitment issues, struggles with confined spaces, and a lack of respect for authority, Isto cares not for those above him. To him, everyone is equal. Even the gods who claim to rule the lands he lives in, he sees them no differently than he sees himself. Blunt, rough around the edges, everything that isn't soft. Isto is unapologetic but regretful. Will he learn from his mistakes? Never. Ruthless at times, he finds himself seeing red more often than not. Short of fuse, he finds that herding reindeer is the only calm in his life. The animals, as dumb as they are, are his lifeblood. They are consistent. They have a routine. They are predictable. Wolves? Not so much. Lacking the ability to trust, it isn't unsurprising to find him isolated from the rest. Though he knows how to have camaraderie and has the capability to be friendly, he chooses to skirt along the sidelines and watch from the outside.