
Kicking Up Seaspray


11-06-2013, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2013, 03:57 PM by Aislin.)

The beach was not necessarily something she thought she would ever venture on to, and it felt funny on her toes. It was as if millions of stones, or funny crawly things were tickling her toes as she walked on the sand and even though it felt funny, it felt rather relaxing. It was better than walking on large boulders and stones from the mountains all day, where snow was abundant and the crisp air froze the lungs. Down at the beach and the sea, the salt air replaced the cold in the lungs, and the tangy sort of taste was a welcomed change to her tastebuds. Orange eyes scanned the open area of the beach and noted that two wolves were speaking amongst each other and Aislin watched for a moment as the two frolicked near a whale carcass. Eventually, Aislin began to lose interest and walked the opposite direction they were in to continue her exploration. Aislin knew she was nearby the Ludicael pack and it had struck her interest compared to the blood thirsty, harem type, too goody two shoes sort of packs that made her nose turn. Ludicael seemed like it would be a good fit considering that it had a mix of everyone all in one place. When Aislin got to about a couple hundred feet away, she still could hear the conversation.

"I think you need to leave."

Aislin turned around to take another glance at the two. Was there a fight about to break out? Aislin wasn't sure and she sure as heck didn't want to break up some mate fight, with the way that the male was acting. The black aggressive beast circled her and a flag rose in her gut. The earth toned female with ice blue eyes glared at him and obviously a little disturbed. Aislin grumbled to herself as she fought with her conscious on wanting to intervene, but what would happen if word caught that a girl was hurt due to an aggressive male not wishing to take no for an answer? Finally sighing in defeat, Aislin loped over.

Aislin could tell that the male was much larger than she, and she could only assume that he liked killing things or causing mayhem more or less. Aislin stepped in between the both of them and looked at the male like he was nothing, but then stood up against the female with her right side since Aislin stood on the strange females' left side.

"What are you doing, bothering my girlfriend here?"

Aislin asked as she glanced over to the copper female and gave her a wink as if to tell her to play along before glancing back to the male.

"Don't you know a taken female when you see one?"

Aislin spoke again with her orange eyes glaring into the males yellow ones. Aislin could see that there wasn't something right with him, and he had been through a few fights from the scars on his muzzle. Whether he lost them or one them was another story, but it proved that this male was dangerous.

"Why don't you go find someone else more your type?"

Aislin tipped her nose upwards in a gesture for him to turn around and leave. Aislin wasn't a strong figher, but with her skills from hunting and tracking, she could dodge a few moves and outwit him if the need came to be. Inside her gut, something told her to take her and run, but if she turned her back now, there was no telling what this male would then do. It was best if the two of them stood their ground and faced him until he either left, or made a move to fight. Regardless, this situation was proving more dangerous with every passing second. "Man, why did I have to go all goody two shoes today?" Aislin thought to herself.

641 words; Don't mind Aislin. She's strange that way.