
The boys are back in town



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
11-08-2023, 02:14 AM

Being away from his family–especially his mother–had not exactly been ideal, but the time they had spent away had certainly not gone to waste. He appreciated the time he had to grow up on his own terms and figure out who he was, what he wanted, and what he liked away from their parent's watchful gazes. It wasn't as if he had been entirely detached from his family. He and Revenant had stuck close together for the most part and somehow managed to run into Quill, Rusalka, and Dalila at various points. It was enough to remind him frequently of home and his mother and after some time the desire to return to them became more and more of a frequent thought. Once Revenant was on board it was an easy choice to make and they began to make their way back to the lands of Boreas.

Of course there was no real returning to the "home" they had grown up in, but Ashen was home enough if that's where their parents were residing. Approaching the Redwater Rocks, he began to slow to a stop at the pack's scent marked border only to watch his headstrong brother simply toss back his head with a howl while striding forward confidently into their aunt's lands. He sighed softly with a slight roll of his eyes before moving forward to follow along beside him. It was truly a wonder that he had put up with his boisterous brother for so long. It was definitely to his benefit that he was so nice to look at. It made the rougher edges of his personality far more bearable.

Finding the home that their parents had made was easy enough after following their scents and Rev took the lead, following the path that lead them deeper into the caves in search of their mother. Her scent was obvious and easy to follow, but there was some other note to it that he seemed to pick up on more quickly than his brother did. He wasn't able to put his paw on what it was until they turned a corner and found her laying in bed absolutely surrounded by more tiny puppies than he had ever imagined seeing in one place. His two-toned eyes widened with surprise at the unexpected sight. He had known that their litter had been larger than what was usually considered normal, but at least from an initial, quick count it seemed that this litter had surpassed even that.

He made a soft huff of exasperated laughter at Revenant's comment about the amount of children that their parents had, shaking his head a bit as he stepped across the bedchamber to go greet their mother properly. "What, did you just expect them to stop fucking?" he replied jokingly with a glance back at Revenant before he turned his gaze down to their mom and gave her a warm smile that was almost exclusively reserved for her. "Hi, mom," he rumbled simply as he dipped his head, nuzzling her cheek affectionately before gently grooming her fur around her face and the top of her neck where it had gotten a bit disheveled from her time spent in bed with a whole gaggle of pups.

"Morendo Klein"

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1. The boys are back in town Redwater Rocks 06:30 PM, 11-07-2023 03:37 AM, 02-13-2024