
the grand tour




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StudentRapid Poster - Silver1K
11-08-2023, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2023, 06:18 PM by Jael. Edited 1 time in total.)

He sleeps across the hall, but it turns out that he does not typically do so alone. A bomb dropped on the girl, and she can't conceal how she stiffens... though Jael was glad she didn't have to look him in the eye as she did. Of course, he is a king and this is his dominion... of course has a wife. Though she had a hard time strangling the whimper in her throat, only barely able to hold it back, she deflates a bit where she curls upon Gilgamesh's back. He had a wife, but held her like a treasure... she doesn't understand. She doesn't pretend to understand the ways of men, though.

Me, and my family, and now you. The words shouldn't make her feel like this, shouldn't bring a warmth that would stain her cheeks had she been any paler. He looks over his shoulder, and she tries to conceal it. Conceal the little bit of her heart that had only been in her throat for mere hours, and had already been bruised. Was this an omen for things to come? Though she could see the red flags, Jael would make the foolish decision.

"Y-your wife... what will she..." Jael trailed off, the words dying on her lips. Though she doesn't know how to ask the question, it wouldn't be hard to sort out. She allows herself to rest against Gil's back, words softer than she'd admit them to be. The kids too, what would they think? And how would he be with her in... in public? The thought of so many eyes has her leaning even more into Gil.

"I've never seen anything like it," it was hard to chase the wonder from Jael's voice. There was so much of it, each seeming to stretch down in every direction. "Do you keep livestock?" The words were quiet, curious. She was a shepherd, in what felt like a past life. Jael would always have the desire to be useful, in any way she knew how. Anything to please him, this man who'd cared for, this man who holds her... this man with a wife. Her savior, her king-- already a double edged sword.

As her keepers, Gilgamesh and Modesty may join any of Jael’s threads if they deem necessary.

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1. the grand tour Daager Isle 06:03 PM, 11-08-2023 05:16 AM, 12-13-2023